Page 45 - Plastics News April 2023
P. 45
In addition, they help accelerate the cal expertise in additive manufactur- operations. Furthermore, academi-
discovery of transformative solutions ing in the UAE and beyond." cians can jointly explore potential new
that can benefit the UAE and other Hend Alqaydi, Engineer, Material Sci- areas of research collaboration to
countries worldwide. This seminar ence, on the AM team, added, "We deepen their additive manufacturing
offers a critical platform for strategic have a fantastic line-up of speakers insights to reinforce TII's leadership in
synergies in additive manufacturing whose vast experience and skillsets shaping innovative solutions to tackle
R&D and will undoubtedly boost Tll's will certainly add immense value in the world's most pressing challenges."
credibility as a leading hub of knowl- enabling the attendees to adopt ad- (ANI/WAM)
edge, collaborations, and technologi- ditive manufacturing in their business
Clariant IGL Specialty Chemicals (CISC) showcases renewable-based ethylene
oxide derivatives at ChemExpo India IGL Specialty Chemicals.
India is expected to emerge as one
of the largest markets for specialty
chemicals and with its bio-based
ethylene oxide derivatives and sur-
factants, CISC is in a position to cater
to a wide variety of market segments
ranging from Crop Solutions, Personal
Care & Homecare, Paints and Coat-
ings, Industrial Lubricants, Textile,
Pharma and Construction.
One of the prominent advantages is
its “Closer to Customers” manufac-
turing base at Kashipur in Uttarakhand
region. This multipurpose production
Clariant IGL Specialty Chemicals Private Limited brings its portfolio facility offers an alkoxylation plant for
of renewable-based ethylene oxide derivatives to ChemExpo India renewable bio ethylene oxide. CISC
2023 for the first time. Its VITA range of 100% bio-based surfactants is a leading supplier of such “green”
and ethoxylated derivatives supporting carbon footprint reduction in ethylene oxide derivatives in India. It
multiple market segments, is a key highlight for visitors to Booth B08 offers a fully segregated facility for the
at the Bombay Exhibition Centre, Mumbai, from April 18-19, 2023. 100% bio-based, carbon-reducing
Vita Range. Plus, it also has an on-
ISC was born in July 2021 as and innovations and meet potential
Ca joint venture and combines customers, suppliers, and industry site R&D facility to support custom-
IGL’s renewable bio-ethylene oxide experts from around the world. The ers with innovative, sustainable, and
derivatives business, which includes Indian Specialty Chemical space has tailor-made solutions.
a multipurpose production facility in- significantly grown in the last few Clariant IGL Specialty Chemicals is
cluding an alkoxylation plant located years and is also expected to grow “one of the established players for
in Kashipur, Uttarakhand (India) with multifold in the near future, and we ethylene oxide derivatives in India and
Clariant’s local Care Chemicals busi- at CISC are excited and geared up to provides products on a renewable ba-
ness in India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh meet the domestic market require- sis. By working closely together and
and Nepal. ments with our strong local footprint. leveraging our unique capabilities,
CISC is thrilled to participate in With our Vita product range we are we see opportunities for profitable
“ChemExpo India 2023. This is an offering innovative and sustainable growth, with our customers, based
excellent opportunity for us to show- solutions,” comments Nitin Sharma, on strong local organic demand as
case the latest products, technologies, CEO & General Manager, Clariant well as the global megatrend for re-
newable products.
April 2023