Page 47 - Plastics News April 2023
P. 47


         Automotive Plastics Will Be $43 Billion Market by                         SIG to open a second
                                                                                       plant in Palghar
          High-performance plastics replacing conventional metals and rubber will drive
          growth, according to new market report.

                                                                                      he  new production plant, lo-
                                                                                  Tcated 90-km north of Mumbai
                                                                                  and  a  short  drive  from  our  first
                                                                                  plant in Palghar, houses produc-
                                                                                  tion  assets  used  to  manufacture
                                                                                  components  and  finished  packag-
                                                                                  ing, including blown film extruders,
                                                                                  injection molding cells, bag-in-box
                                                                                  manufacturing machines, and a
                                                                                  mold-making facility for packaging
                                                                                  fitments and closures for both bag-
             he global automotive plastics mar-  cast period owing to rising usage   in-box and spouted pouches.
          Tket is expected to reach $43.44       of plastics in interior components
          billion by 2030, expanding at a rate of   including seat covers, steering   Samuel  Sigrist, CEO  of SIG: “The
          5.2% from 2023 to 2030, according      wheels, and fascia systems.      Indian market  is  a  key  growth
          to a new report from Grand View Re-  •  The  polyurethane  product  seg-  market  for SIG. Our  expertise  in
          search Inc. A preference for high-per-  ment is anticipated to witness sig-  aseptic packaging and our ability to
          formance plastics as a replacement     nificant growth over the forecast   provide sustainable solutions that
                                                                                  benefit customers, consumers and
          for conventional metals and rubber is   period because it combines char-  the environment are making a dif-
          expected to impel market growth.
                                                 acteristics of plastics and rubber   ference and increasingly  becom-
          Key industry insights and findings from   at a lower weight than metal and   ing the focus of food and beverage
          the report include:                    other plastic materials. Increasing   manufacturers in India.”
          •  Increasing integration  of in-car   demand from the automotive in-   Ross Bushnell, president  of SIG’s
             entertainment  and communica-       dustry for use in interior trim and   bag-in-box and spouted pouch
             tion systems, engine electronics,   seat cushioning is expected.     business: “We’re making an impor-
             and advanced  safety  and driver-  In September 2021, Adient, a pioneer   tant statement. 15,000 m2 of verti-
             assistance  systems  is  boosting  in automotive  seating  systems, con-  cally integrated production capacity
             demand for  electrical  compo-  firmed a strategic alliance with Coves-  puts us in a winning position for the
             nent applications, which, in turn,  tro to integrate  cardyon, a polyol   Indian market in aseptic processed
             is fueling growth of  the North  made utilizing Covestro's CO2 tech-  fruits, beverage concentrates, fruit
             American market;                nology as a self-sustaining material,   puree, and aseptic dairy for food-
                                             in the manufacture of polyurethane   service  channels.  I am excited  to
          •  The  polypropylene  segment  ac-                                     see our India team embrace the
             counted  for the  largest  revenue   foam  used as cushioning in automo-  challenge  of growing  rapidly  in
             share of more than 32% in 2022   tive seating systems. Cardyon is also   this very strategic market and I am
             and is expected to maintain its   used as a raw material by Swiss com-  confident that we have the tools in
             lead over the forecast period;  pany FoamPartner to produce foams    place to fully enable a locally pro-
                                             for various areas in vehicle interiors.  duced solution for both our India
          •  The interior segment is expected                                     customers and  throughout the
             to be the largest over the fore-                                     South Asia region.”

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