Page 26 - Plastics News April 2024
P. 26


          The shocking extent of Earth's plastic crisis: 220 MILLION tonnes of waste are set to be generated this year
          - the equivalent of 20,000 Eiffel Towers

          Our planet is drowning in plastic. A staggering 220 million tonnes of plastic waste, equivalent to the weight of 20,000
          Eiffel Towers, is projected to be generated globally in 2024 alone. Just 12 countries are responsible for 60% of the
          world’s mismanaged plastic waste, the top five being China, USA, India, Brazil, and Mexico. Across the globe, 28kg of
          plastic waste per person will be created in 2024. This alarming figure highlights the severity of the plastic crisis. What's
          even more concerning is that over a third of this plastic will likely be mismanaged, ending up in landfills, oceans, and
          littering the environment. From plastic packaging overflowing our trash bins to synthetic fibres in our clothes, plastic
          waste originates from various sources.
          Last year, the world had marked the first ever ‘Global Plastic Overshoot Day’. That was the date when the amount
          of plastic waste generated globally exceeded the world’s capacity to manage it. This year, Global Plastic Overshoot
          Day lands on September 5, 2024, the report predicted. The figure is projected to rise to 66 % by September 5, 2024
          indicating the pressures placed on developing countries by the plastic pollution crisis.
          “To track the issue at a national level, each country has its own Plastic Overshoot Day which is determined by the amount
          of plastic waste generated and the country’s capacity to manage it. There are 117 days of plastic overshoot, meaning
                                          that the plastic waste produced during these days will not be well managed,” a
                                          statement by EA Earth Action noted.

                                          To tackle this crisis, we need a multi-faceted approach. Reducing our reliance on
                                          single-use plastics, investing in robust waste management systems, and exploring
                                          sustainable  alternatives  like  bioplastics  are  crucial  steps.  Additionally,  stricter
                                          regulations and policies that hold producers accountable are essential for a plastic-
                                          free future. The upcoming UN Global Plastics Treaty negotiations in Ottawa hold
                                          significant importance in this regard. It's crucial for countries to come together and
                                          adopt comprehensive policies to tackle plastic pollution effectively.


          Over 80 % people support cutting plastic production to save biodiversity, climate: Survey
          A recent survey conducted by Greenpeace International across 19 countries found that the public is in favour of limiting
          plastic  manufacture  in  order  to  protect  the  environment,  biodiversity  and  the  climate.  With  80%  of  respondents
          expressing concern about the health impacts of plastic, the survey underscores a global desire for change. Additionally,
          90% advocate for transitioning from single-use plastic packaging to reusable options, while 75% endorse a ban on
          single-use plastics. This is in keeping with initiatives like the resolution passed by the UN Environment Assembly to
          create a worldwide plastics treaty with the goal of reducing plastic pollution by 2024.
          Call for UK government to escalate Plastic Packaging Tax and incentivise sustainability
          Leading  resource  management  firm  in  the  UK,  Veolia,  is  pleading  with  the
          government to raise the Plastic Packaging Tax in order to increase investor
          confidence in domestic infrastructure, create demand for recycled material,
          and promote sustainable economic growth. The "Resource the Future" study
          presents their proposal, that calls for raising the charge to £275 per tonne and
          35% recycled content this year, with further increases to 50% and £500 per
          tonne by 2030. According to Veolia, this effort has the potential to generate
          2,500 new jobs, lower annual carbon  emissions by 1.8 million tonnes, and

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