Page 27 - Plastics News April 2024
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          maintain the competitiveness of the UK in both local and European markets. With public support for environmental
          action evident and the potential for substantial carbon savings, Veolia asserts that escalating the Plastic Packaging Tax is
          not only an environmental imperative but also an economic opportunity.
          Source  :  -
          What to Expect From Global Plastics Treaty Talks This Month

          International stakeholders are preparing for critical talks on tackling plastic pollution in Ottawa from April 23 to April
          29, which coincides with the fourth round of negotiations on a global plastics convention. This meeting, organized by
          the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-4), is a critical chance to progress significant initiatives intended to
          combat the environmental problem of plastic waste. Expectations are high for INC-4 to produce real commitments and
          actual actions to reduce the spread of single-use plastics and lessen the harmful effects of plastic pollution on ecosystems
          and human health, given the increasing pressure from environmental and civil society advocates.
          Participating governments are working together to address
          complicated issues like setting clear guidelines for plastics
          pollution and creating frameworks for extended producer
          responsibility,  in  response to  mounting calls for  action. A
          commitment to creating strong and enforceable agreements
          is demonstrated by plans to form legal drafting groups to
          improve  treaty  provisions.  Furthermore,  the  consensus
          among  the  public,  as  demonstrated  by  recent  polls
          indicating  broad  support  for  actions  aimed  at  addressing
          plastic pollution, emphasizes the pressing need for prompt
          international action.
          Delegates to the Ottawa conference agree that the global plastics challenge must be addressed through cooperative,
          multinational efforts given the urgency of the work at hand. The results of INC-4 will not only determine the direction
          of future discussions, but they will also have a big impact on global sustainable development, biodiversity preservation,
          and the preservation of marine ecosystems. Because of this, there is a shared resolve to take advantage of this chance
          and produce meaningful results that are consistent with the goals of communities and individuals all around the world
          for a healthier, cleaner environment.
          Source :- https : //
          Hindustan Zinc, VEXL Environ Projects sign pact to set up pilot project for waste management
          Hindustan Zinc Ltd (HZL), a subsidiary of the Vedanta Group, has recently partnered with with Bhopal-based VEXL
          Environ Projects to launch a ground-breaking project that aims to turn waste materials into resources that may be
          used. Hindustan Zinc's commitment to implementing sustainable waste management techniques that are in line with
                                          the concepts of reducing, recycling, reusing, and reclaiming is demonstrated by
                                          this collaboration, which is embodied through a Memorandum of Understanding
                                          (MoU). By establishing a pilot plant dedicated to this cause, Hindustan Zinc is poised
                                          to lead the charge in fostering a circular economy, where waste is transformed into
                                          valuable assets for future use. The use of waste materials produced during the zinc
                                          extraction process, such as jarosite and jarofix, is essential to this endeavor. These
                                          waste materials will be put to useful new uses at the pilot plant thanks to creative
                                          procedures used there, demonstrating Hindustan Zinc's commitment to maximize
                                          the value found in its waste streams. CEO Arun Misra expressed excitement for
                                          this ground-breaking collaboration, highlighting its potential to maximize the value

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