Page 50 - Plastcs News August 2017
P. 50
US National Park Service ends European Commission
efforts to regulate water bottles investigation into the ethylene
use purchasing market
highly lar iant and
A publicized Cunits of Texas-
and controversial headquar ter ed
policy allowing Celanese Corp. are
a ban on water part of an ongoing
bo ttles in competition law
national parks is investigatio n
being reversed by the European
by the US federal Commission into
gove rn me n t .
President Trump has made sweeping efforts to scrap t he e t h yle ne
obama-era environmental protections, but the current purchasing market. The company is assisting the
administration's latest moves are oddly specific. The relevant authorities and could not comment further
National Park Service (NPS) announced recently that it has on the details of an ongoing investigation.EU’s
rescinded the 2011 "Water Bottle Ban" that allowed parks to anti-trust watchdog has confirmed unannounced
prohibit the sale of disposable plastic water bottles. That inspections in the ethylene purchasing sector, in
same day, news emerged that the Trump administration several EU member states. According to reports to
removed a nine-slot Capital Bikeshare station at the White a Berlaymont announcement, the EU executive had
House that was requested and installed during the obama concerns over companies that couls had formed a
years and used by staffers. The National Park Service on cartel. Raids were carried out on 16 May 2017 at the
August 16 said the agency is discontinuing the 2011 policy premises of companies active in ethylene purchasing,
that had been implemented at 23 of 417 park service to examine if the companies concerned have violated
locations. "While we will continue to encourage the use of EU antitrust rules that prohibit cartels and restrictive
free water bottle filling stations as appropriate, ultimately business practices. According to the Commission,
it should be up to our visitors to decide how best to keep there is no legal deadline to complete inquiries into
themselves and their families hydrated during a visit to a anticompetitive conduct and “their duration depends
national park, particularly during hot summer visitation on a number of factors, including the complexity
periods," said Acting National Park Service Director Michael of each case, the extent to which the undertakings
T. Reynolds said in a statement. The "ban" actually pushed concerned co-operate with the Commission and the
the decision down to the local park level, but only allowed
elimination after an analysis of the pros and cons for such exercise of the rights of defence.”
a move. “The Commission officials were accompanied by
their counterparts from the relevant national
"The issues surrounding plastic water bottles are complex.
Banning the sale of water bottles in national parks has competition authorities,” adds the EU anti-trust
great symbolism, but runs counter to our healthy food watchdog announcement. “Unannounced inspections
initiative as it eliminates the healthiest choice for bottled are a preliminary step into suspected anticompetitive
drinks," reads the 2011 policy memorandum addressing practices. The fact that the Commission carries out
the issue. Reversal of the ban is effective immediately, such inspections does not mean that the companies
the park service said. "Parks will continue to promote the are guilty of anti-competitive behaviour nor does
recycling of disposable plastic water bottles and many it prejudge the outcome of the investigation itself.
parks have already worked with partners to provide free The Commission respects the rights of defence, in
potable water in bottle filling stations located at visitor particular the right of companies to be heard in
centers and near trailheads, the agency said in announcing antitrust proceedings.”
the reversal.
Plastics News | August 2017 50