Page 51 - Plastcs News August 2017
P. 51


          Barito Pacific to acquire 66% stake in Star Energy Group

           ndonesian petrochemical firm Barito Pacific is readying   valued  energy  companies  in  the  region.  Barito  Pacific
          IUS$700 million to acquire 66% stake in Star Energy Group,   was established as PT Bumi Raya Pura Mas Kalimantan in
          an affiliated entity controlled by tycoon Prajogo Pangestu.   1979. Aside from Chandra Asri, Barito Pacific owns many
          According to a report by local media KoNTAN, Barito has   subsidiaries in different industries, such as PT Royal Indo
          transferred US$300 mln to secure the deal while looking   Mandiri in the crude palm oil industry and PT Griya Idola
          for the remaining US$400 mln.                         in the property sector.
 reports that it is not clear how Barito
          will raise the amount needed to complete the transaction.
                                                                 HPCL mulls acquisition of 2
                                                                 ONGC subsidiaries

                                                                    tate-run Hindustan Petroleum Corp (HPCL) is
                                                                 Smulling acquisition of two subsidiaries of oil and
                                                                 Natural Gas Corp (oNGC) before the takeover. The two
                                                                 ONGC units are Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals
                                                                 (MRPL) and oNGC Petro Additions (oPaL).

                                                                 This move is to consolidate all of oNGC’s downstream
                                                                 operations in HPCL, leaving it free to focus on
          Barito  Pacific  president  director, Agus  Salim  Pangestu,   exploration and production. HPCL will look after
          expects the acquisition to close by Q1-2018. “The      refining  and  marketing.HPCL already has a 16.96%
          acquisition process must continue,” Pangestu told the site.   stake in MRPL, in which oNGC holds 71.63%. oNGC
          The firm had first announced its plans to acquire “majority   has a 49.36% stake in oPaL with GAIL holding 49.21%.
          shares” in Star Energy late last year. The management   The government has already begun the process of
          team  had  said  that  it  had  signed  a  memorandum  of   appointing transaction advisors for the oNGC-HPCL
          understanding with Star Energy, which was to be followed
          by a conditional sale and purchase agreement. BCPG, a
          Thai listed renewable energy firm, had secured approval
          to acquire 33.3 per cent stake in Star Energy. The deal
          was valued at up to US$357.5 mln, with the transaction
          expected to be finalised in the second quarter of this year.
          Following the acquisition, BCPG will hold stakes in three
          geothermal power plants in Indonesia with a combined
          production capacity of 182 MW. The three projects are
          top geothermal power plants in Indonesia. The largest
          plant is located in Sukabumi City in West Java with an
          installed capacity of 377 MW. The other two include the
          227-MW geothermal power plant at Wayang Windu and the
          271-MW Darajat project in Garut and Bandung, which the   deal and will seek an independent  valuation of its
          firm acquired from Chevron along with operations in the   stake in the refiner. The government currently holds
          Philippines – including Tiwi-Makban geothermal field that   a 51.1 % stake in HPCL.
          is currently producing approximately 326 MW of steam.
          For the acquisition of Chevron’s geothermal operations   Earlier this week, the Cabinet Committee on Economic
          in Indonesia, Star Energy Group Holdings and Star Energy   Affairs (CCEA) accorded “inprinciple approval” for
          Geothermal holds majority ownership (68.31% ownership),   the strategic sale of its stake, “along with transfer of
          followed by AC Energy (19.3%) and EGCo (11.89%). Thanks   management control” to oNGC. HPCL will become a
          to these assets, Star Energy is now one of the premium-  subsidiary of oNGC once this deal takes place.

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