Page 46 - Plastcs News August 2017
P. 46
Britain unveils new plastic £10 note
new plastic £10 note has been unveiled by Bank study alternatives. The Bank also took public comment. of
A of England governor Mark Carney at Winchester the 3,554 people who responded between March 30 and
Cathedral earlier this month. The note will be issued on 14 May 12, 86 percent were opposed to the animal-derived
September. It is the first Bank of England note to include additives, while 48 percent opposed the use of a palm
a tactile feature to help visually impaired people, and has oil replacement. Part of the problem, the Bank noted
a portrait of Jane Austen on the 200th anniversary of the in its news release, is that palm oil also has its negative
author's death. The new £10 notes contain sophisticated connotations in terms of sustainable harvesting. According
security features and are expected to last five years, which to reporst the Bank's suppliers have been unable to commit
is a two-and-a- to sourcing the highest level of sustainable palm oil at this
half time longer time, also switching to a non-animal-based film would cost
than the current an additional £16.5 million ($21.4 million) over the next
note. Production 10 years.The security and longevity of polymer-based note
of the new £10 still make them worth adopting, and more environmentally
polymer note friendly over their lifecycle.
began last August
and the Bank has
already printed Henkel opens auto composites
more than 275 test site in Japan
million notes,
but they're not enkel AG & Co. KGA has opened a test facility
quite ready to launch yet. The new note will be smaller Hfor composites in Yokohama, Japan, to serve
than the current one - but larger than the new fiver. the auto industry. The new site is in response to
automotive sector’s increasing interests in composite
The Bank of England released its first polymer notes, a £5 and lightweighting demands. Automakers and
note, in 2016 and by the end of November it was already Tier 1 companies’
facing calls for changing the material by vegetarians, demands are strict,
vegans and animal lovers to cut the fat. The London-based noted Henkel, saying
financial institution said it will stick with the existing the firms require cost
polymer film blend for its new plastic banknotes, rejecting effective processes
suitable for
calls from some vegetarians in the United Kingdom to production of more
turn away from a film that uses a very small amount of than 10,000 parts per
material from rendered animal fat. "The new polymer £20 year. “In practical
note and the future print runs of the £5 and £10 notes will terms, this means
continue to be made from polymer manufactured using they often want custom-formulated, fast-curing resins
trace amounts of chemicals, typically less than 0.005 for use in short production cycles. This magnifies the
percent, ultimately derived from animal products," the importance of having reliable partners with in-house
test capabilities,” the Düsseldorf, Germany-based
Bank noted in a news release. The next polymer note, the company added. At the new composite lab, automotive
£10, features the writer Jane Austen on one side, along customers can work with Henkel experts to develop
with security features such as 3D holograms, to make it and test composite parts, and also optimize series
harder to forge. The film also stands up better to wear production process conditions.
and tear ... and accidental trips through the laundry. The Auto customers can carry out trials with different test
negative publicity from the animal content prompted the molds on Henkel’s high pressure resin transfer molding
Bank to put plans for the £20 on hold until it could further (HP-RTM) equipment, at the site.
Plastics News | August 2017 46