Page 57 - Plastcs News August 2017
P. 57


         Elmet introduces Drum                                   ZAMBELLO counter-rotating

         identification for IM                                   twin-screw extruders

             LMET an internationally operating system supplier for   arallel type: Zambello updates it constantly both
         Ethe injection molding of two-component liquid silicone   Pwith new sizes of standard products and tailored
         rubbers (LSR), has introduced a standardized barcode system   gearboxes for the exacting needs of customers.
         for drum labelling and recognition as an integral part of its   NRB series - With a transmissible torque density up to
         TOP 5000 P dosing systems. This new identification system,   17 Nm/cm3 per shaft The gearboxes of the NRB range
                                           which has been        have a horizontal shape (mounting position B3), which
                                           developed jointly     requires a connection to the electric motor by belts
                                           with  the  WACKER     and pulleys. As a matter of fact, the reduction ratios
                                           chemical group, is    available cover a ratio up to a maximum of i=25.
                                           currently unique      ZT3 series - With a transmissible torque density up to
                                           in this industry. It   17 Nm/cm3 per shaft The gearboxes of the ZT3 series
                                           virtually eliminates   have approximately the same features as the NRB
                                           the possibility of    series, but have a vertical shape (mounting position
                                           components A  and     B7). In this case the connection between gearbox and
                                           B becoming mixed      electric motor is carried out by an elastic coupling.
                                           up when replacing     Due to the possibility to mount the electric motor in
                                           the similar-looking   the U arrangement, the final result is a very compact
         drums. The simple but effective solution should help    extruder. Reduction ratios available go from i=14 to
         the entire industry to consistently prevent any handling   max. i=80.
         mistakes and their serious consequences.                TST range : The TST range (Twin Super Torque) is

         WACKER provides its drums with banderoles, which, in    available in two versions: TST-H and TST- 2H. Both
         addition to the conventional A or B label, also have a   series offer very high performance rates.
         barcode running around them. optionally, ELMET provides   TST- H series - With a transmissible torque density up
         its high-performance dosing system with a reading device   to 20 Nm/cm3 per shaft.The gearboxes of this series
         coordinated to this barcode. The control unit of the    are designed for exacting applications, where a high
         ToP 5000 P only allows the pump to be immersed into     torque is required, which is transmitted by means of
         the  new  drum  if  it  recognizes  the  right  code.  Initially   a single reversing unit. The connection to the electric
         still designed as a hand scanner, it will be followed by a   motor is obtained by means of an elastic joint. The
         height-adjustable, firmly installed reading device as soon   reduction ratios available go from i=14 to max. i=80.
         as this convincing safety system has become established
         on a broad front. The ToP 5000 P multi-component dosing   TST- 2H series - With a transmissible torque density
         system from ELMET equipped with the new scanner is      up to 22.5 Nm/cm3 per shaft. The gearboxes of the
         designed for the large-series production of high-quality   TST-2H series present the highest technical level for
         parts. It is suitable for shot weights of less than 0.1 g   which these are the best worldwide for heavy-duty
         to several kg, for 200 l and 20 l containers and material   jobs. The transmission of the torque is obtained by
         viscosities of 9,000 mPas to 3,000,000 mPas, even when   means of a double reversing unit. The reduction ratios
         there are significant viscosity differences between the A   available go from i=14 to max. i=80.
         and B components. With its two separate control circuits   Conical type: As a completion of the range of gearboxes
         for emptying of the drums (over 99 %) and controlling the   for counter rotating extruders, Zambello proposes the
         volume fed into the process, this system has also proved   new ZC3 gearboxes for conical twin-screw extruders.
         itself with tight process windows and difficult start-up   At the moment the new gearboxes are available in
         conditions. The automatic drum venting device reduces   three sizes, which are suitable for extruders having
         the amount of manual work needed when changing drums.   screw diameters of 55 mm, 65 mm and 80 mm.

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