Page 59 - Plastcs News August 2017
P. 59
Gebo Cermex introduces AQFlex® - a breakthrough
product handling technology
ith the packaging industry facing increasingly result of its compact footprint, AQFlex is easily integrated
Wsophisticated consumption trends that present into existing production lines. The solution has a clear
various challenges to the production and distribution of and open design that gives full accessibility at floor level
goods, Gebo Cermex is responding to these complexities for enhanced ergonomics and easy cleaning. Having only
with the introduction of AQFlex® - a breakthrough a few added mechanical parts compared to a conveyor,
product handling technology. Thanks to its radically new maintenance of AQFlex is comparable to that of a standard
approach of conveying and accumulation, AQFlex delivers conveyor - without the need for any lubrication.
unprecedented packaging line performance. It offers
this, together with unique agility and smooth contactless RPC wins sustainability award
product conveying and
accumulation, in a for potato pack
very compact space.
With the ever changing PC bpi Protec had the food protection capabilities
de ma n ds, G e b o Rof its X-Hance film acknowledged in a major
Cermex;part of the sustainability awards programme. X-Hance, used to
Sidel Group and world pack potatoes, won the Cutting Food Waste category
leader in packaging line of the Packaging Europe Sustainability Awards, for
engineering solutions innovation and creativity that make significant
has reinvented the environmental advances
design of packaging lines
thanks to a breakthrough product handling technology . across the supply chain.
AQFlex is the new IQ in product handling, encompassing all X-Hance is an opaque
the advantages given by the existing conveying machines in but breathable film. This
a much smarter way. AQFlex is designed by Gebo Cermex as eliminates light to protect
a new concept in packaging solutions that accommodates products, preserve their
any product, whatever the application, whatever the freshness and quality, and
market, in all container materials, formats and shapes, deliver extended shelf
full or empty, while also enabling automatic changeovers life. The high-impact film can be printed in up to ten
via an intuitive and user-friendly Human Machine Interface colours to enhance brand image and deliver effective
(HMI). Care of product integrity is completely ensured
by the single-lane, contact-free product handling and point-of-sale promotion. The film performs well and
accumulation system that is able to process even fragile, consistently on VFFS packing machines, with excellent
unstable or premium containers. More proof of the seal strength integrity.
unprecedented packaging line performance of AQFlex Additional perforations can be included to improve
is its ability to operate at any speed, from 1,000 to air flow within the pack, without affecting the
100,000 containers per hour, delivering energy savings of
up to 60%, without compromising high efficiency (99.5% aesthetics or performance of the packaging.X-Hance
even at high speeds) or sustainability. This is ensured has already been adopted by a leading retailer for its
by high line performance regulation, together with a potato ranges, preventing the green discolouration
high accumulation performance to maintain continuous that occurs when potatoes are subjected to too much
product flow - at any speed with the use of advanced light. “X-Hance offers several key benefits for food
robotics based on a proven logic motion technology and retail markets, ensuring the product is well protected
a centralised system architecture ensures the accurate and preserved throughout the supply chain while at
synchronisation of motion control for all the servo axes the same time providing the high-quality decoration
of the equipment. Its compact design provides up to 40%
space savings compared to traditional solutions and, as a that creates a premium image on–shelf.”
59 Aug ust 2017 | Plastics News