Page 58 - Plastcs News August 2017
P. 58
HRS flow showcases FlexFlow
taly based HRSflow uneveiled its servo driven FLEXflow its entire length. They are optimized for producing small,
Ione hot runner technology which does not require an delicate parts such as loudspeaker grilles and are also
additional control unitduring the injection process, and suitable for reverse gating from the ejector side. Lengths
the new range of Full Compact Nozzles with a reduced range from 75 mm to 450 mm with internal diameters of
constant external diameter over their length. Thanks 6, 8 and 10 mm. They can be equipped with one or two
to newly developed pressure blocks, the hot runner can heating zones and are available in Classic Line and Fail
be used to provide support in the mold, while the new Safe versions, the latter with two heating devices and two
Thread Safe Kit prevents damage during disassembly of thermocouples. Available gating options are torpedo, free
screwed-in hot runner nozzles. The servo driven FLEXflow flow and valve gating.
one needle valve systems for hot runner nozzles have a
Double twin plants for
polyolefins recycling
mut Recycling has been awarded two tenders
Aissued by European leading companies both
involved in the waste management field. Each supply
includes one twin plant suitable for the reclaiming
and regeneration of thermoplastic polyolefin scraps
to be transformed into granules. For the first project,
the two lines will process, working in parallel,
LDPE scraps with a total output of 2500 kg/h. The
thermoplastic scraps mainly consist of baled blown
simple driver module that replaces an otherwise necessary
control unit. In its current design, this module comes with films coming from post-consumer recycled packaging.
a default setting that fully opens/closes the needle. Using In order to increase the flexibility of the plant, a
an External Smart Interface (ESI) that is connected for group of conveyor belts enables the two shredders
this purpose,needle stroke andvelocity can be individually to feed alternately two buffers on the lines. The
setfor specific applications, including multiple steps if decantation phase permits to separate the heavy
required. Up to 24 valve pins per system can be individually objects and contaminants from the film whilst a
programed using this ESI. once these parameters have pre-washing action removes other pollutants and
been saved in the driver module, the system is ready to dirt. The second high friction action is made during
produce high-quality molded parts consistently without the wet grinding.Turbo Washer and Friction Washer
a control unit. As an additional safety factor over machines perform an intensive and continuous
hydraulically driven systems, a maximum torque is set washing and rinsing action. The process washing
for the servomotor at the time of manufacture. When this water can be thermally adjusted and conditioned
value is reached, the electronics shut down to prevent by chemicals/detergents to increase the cleaning
damage to the hot runner system and mold and thus long,
costly production downtime. Beyond, all FLEXflow One efficacy.The flakes are separated from water and
systems are connected with a Safety Interface Box (SIB) conveyed to the centrifuge machine for the drying
which communicates with the injection molding machine's phase. A hot-air drier reduces the humidity value of
controller to ensure safe working conditions. the flakes and makes the material suitable for the
extrusion processes. For the other project, AMUT
Full compact nozzle is HRSflow's name for a newly will supply twin lines for washing and pelletizing of
developed family of screwed-in hot runner nozzles which post-consumer plastic materials: the total output is
achieves a space-saving heating system, the nozzle seat 1500 kg/h of LDPE film or 4000 kg/h of PP or HDPE
diameter having been reduced from 33 mm to 28 mm over containers.
Plastics News | August 2017 58