Page 12 - Plastics News August 2018
P. 12
Government & Plastic Industry to work together for addressing various
issues arising out of plasic ban, waste management rules among others
The All India Plastics Manufacturers' Association (AIPMA), urges Government to treat owners and work-
ers of the ban affected plastic manufacturing units as Policy Affected People – To waive off Bank Loans and
acquire their machines at depreciated value - To pay gratuity of workers.
he Government and the Plastic Industry will work The Plastic Processors demanded strict implementation
Ttogether to address various issues such as Plastic of plastic waste management rules 2016 eg. Segregation
%DQ LQ YDULRXV 6WDWHV :DVWH 0DQDJHPHQW 5XOHV 3:0 at source as per Government. These rules are not being
of Single Use Plastics. recycling and causing environment degradation. In fact
Mumbai Municipal Corporation is not able to effectively
This was the outcome of the meeting hosted by the All
India Plastics Manufacturers’ Association, chaired by Smt. service 45% residents who are living in slums, thereby
Aparna Sharma, Joint Secretary, Department of Chemical IRUFLQJ WKHP WR OLWWHU WKHLU ZDVWH 7KHUH ZDV DOVR D XQLÀHG
and Petrochemicals, Government of India. Representatives demand that littering should be penalised.
of 54 Associations related to Plastic processing Industry The Plastic Associations also wanted that all packaging
from across India, actively participated in the discussions. materials should be treated equally and similar
responsibilities be laid on glass, metal, paper and plastic
It was reassuring that Smt. Aparna Sharma stated that
Government was open to suggestions regarding various as being done worldwide. The fact that UN environment
issues faced by this sector. program has given 10-step process to reduce plastic
Mr. Hiten Bheda, President of The All India Plastics
Manufacturers’ Association (AIPMA), announced that
AIPMA as a responsible stakeholder, has launched a fund
which will do a viability gap funding and get low value
waste cleared from streets to be recycled. He also invited
brands, plastic processors and polymer makers to join
the efforts.
He further said that due to sudden change in government
policy, ban on single use plastic products such as
disposables and carry bags across 20 States of India,
thousands of entrepreneurs had to shut down their pollution needs to be implemented before jumping
factories. These entrepreneurs are not able to service immediately to a ban Time of 6 months should be given
loans taken and run a risk of losing their mortgaged to implement ban, so industry can make necessary
factories and house, apart from losing livelihood. A Plastic changes to produce as per new standards evolved by
trader in Nagpur as committed suicide due to loss of Government and economy can avoid loss of forex by
livelihood forced by sudden plastic ban. import of alternative materials from China.
Mr. Jayesh Rambhia (Past President, AIPMA) said “Owners Mr. Akhilesh Bhargava (Chairman, Environment Committee,
and workers of such closed factories should be treated AIPMA) assured the Government about Industries readiness
as Policy Affected People and should be compensated to work with Government agencies to recycle all kind of
to cover damage due to sudden change of policy. Their Plastic waste collected by local bodies. An Extended
Bank loans need to be waived off and their machines Producers Responsibility Digital Platform Solution for
be acquired by Government at depreciated value. Their 3ODVWLF :DVWH 0DQDJHPHQW ZDV DOVR SUHVHQWHG GXULQJ
workers need to be paid gratuity by Government.” the event.
Plastics News August 2018 12