Page 50 - Plastics News August 2019
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          Sirmax investing $17.6 million in                      Tekni-Plex buys Brazilian closure
          new Anderson facility                                  liner manufacturer Geraldiscos

             nderson-based Sirmax has announced plans to invest     ekni-Plex has acquired Brazilian closure liner
          A$17.6 million in a new facility in the city. Sirmax  Tmanufacturer Geraldiscos, which will become part
          opened its North American headquarters in Anderson     of its Tri-Seal business. Headquartered in São Paulo,
          in 2016 and started production in 2017. At the plant's   Geraldiscos makes closure liners and induction seals
          dedication on the former Guide property it was announced   for containers made of materials such as PP, PE, HDPE,
          the company planned to expand.In March, Sirmax acquired   PVC, PET and glass. Its closure solutions are provided
          S.E.R., which specializes in the recycling of plastics. S.E.R.   for market segments such as food, beverage, personal
                                             is purchasing 35    FDUH   KHDOWKFDUH   DJULFXOWXUH  DQG  FKHPLFDO ´:H
                                             acres south of the   continue to drive our strategy by growing our business
                                             Sirmax property     RUJDQLFDOO\  DQG  WKURXJK  PHUJHUV  DQG  DFTXLVLWLRQV µ
                                             along Dr. Martin    VDLG 3DXO <RXQJ  SUHVLGHQW DQG FKLHI H[HFXWLYH RIÀFHU
                                             Luther King Jr.     Tekni-Plex. “Specifically, Geraldiscos allows us to
                                             Boulevard. The      expand our geographic footprint into South America
                                             facility will be    to support the large Brazilian closure market and
                                             approximately       RXU PXOWLQDWLRQDO FXVWRPHUV  ´:H KDYH IROORZHG WKH
                                             130,000 square      company for a long period of time, and have always
                                             feet and the        been interested in its high-quality innovative products,
                                             company expects     excellent manufacturing capabilities, as well as a very
          to create 38 new jobs with an annual payroll of $1.3   VWURQJ PDQDJHPHQW WHDP µ7KH DFTXLVLWLRQ DGGV
          PLOOLRQ SOXV EHQHÀWV  7KH QHZ MREV ZLOO EH SKDVHG LQ ZLWK   employees to the 3,000-strong global Tekni-Plex team.
          WKH ÀUVW    MREV EHLQJ FUHDWHG E\ 6HSWHPEHU       7KH   Geraldiscos general manager Gabriel Sahyao Leal Dos
          new facility will produce a high-quality plastic product   Santos will continue to oversee the business. Geraldiscos
          following a recycling and extrusion process that is similar   is the 13th acquisition US-headquartered Tekni-Plex
          to that produced by Sirmax. Sirmax presently produces   KDV PDGH LQ WKH SDVW ÀYH \HDUV  ,Q       WKH FRPSDQ\
          thermoplastic components that are used in all sectors,   bought BrunaSeals, which makes induction seals and
          including appliance, automotive, power tools and consumer
          products.The city is offering a $1.5 million tax increment
          on Anderson.Anderson is also providing $650,000 in TIF
          revenues for supporting infrastructure including rail spur
          and utility expansion.The proposed agreement has to be
          approved by the Anderson Redevelopment Commission,
          Economic Development Commission, Plan Commission
          said.  Anderson Mayor Thomas Broderick Jr. said Anderson
          has a long tradition in providing innovation that has made   foam closure liners for beverage products. Tekni-Plex
          a difference not only in the city but across the country.   is a globally-integrated company focused on developing
          Sirmax North America made an initial investment of $25.6   and manufacturing products for a wide variety of end
          million in the Anderson headquarters. Recently starting  markets, including medical, pharmaceutical, food,
          investment of 30 million euros for new plant in kutno   beverage, personal care, household and industrial.
          sirmax in on its way for expansion.The construction of the   THNQL 3OH[ LV KHDGTXDUWHUHG LQ :D\QH  3$  DQG RSHUDWHV
          new plant in Kutno will begin in August 2018, the start-up   manufacturing sites across nine countries worldwide to
          of production is expected in the second quarter of 2019.  meet the needs of its global customers.

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