Page 51 - Plastics News August 2019
P. 51


          Sidel introduces world’s lightest industrial bottle X-LITE Still

             idel has introduced world’s lightest industrial bottle   for example, when compared to bottles weighing 12 g,
          SX-LITE Still the  latest innovative 500 ml PET packaging   the new solution can save a remarkable 1,485 tonnes of
          VROXWLRQ  IRU  QRQ SUHVVXULVHG  VWLOO  ZDWHU   :LWK       J  RI   PET per year while generating energy savings of up to
          weight and a height of 195 mm, Sidel X-LITE Still is the           N:K \HDU  &RPELQHG  WKHVH UHGXFWLRQV DPRXQW
          lightest 500 ml PET bottle in the world for non-pressurised   to 3,000 tonnes of CO2 saved, which equals 25 round trips
                                              still water,      between New York and Paris by plane with 200 passengers
                                              offering the      on board. For bottled water producers, this means that
                                              greatest level    the cumulated savings of PET resin and energy can reach
                                              of performance    up to two million Euros per year.
                                              – even at very
                                              high production
                                              speeds, (Based     Unilever trials wrapper-less
                                              on packaging
                                              production lines   Solero multipacks
                                              integrating Sidel
                                              Super Combi            nilever has recently announced a trial for Solero
                                              running up to  Upackaging to be sold plastic wrapper-less in its
          91,800 bottles per hour). with a very light water neck   multipacks.  The Solero Organic Peach packs will
          finish.  This bottle is perfectly complemented by a    feature in Ocado with 35% less plastic compared to
          Novembal Novaqua RightCAP26 closure. Sidel X-LITE      the original Solero Organic pack with individual plastic
          Still integrates the proven StarLITE™ Still base solution,   wrappers. The new PE (Polyethylene) coated cardboard
          already implemented worldwide due to its increased     box has built-in compartments, so the individual ice
          stability and stress resistance through the value chain,   creams can be inserted, without a plastic wrapper,
          LWV HQGOHVV GHVLJQ ÁH[LELOLW\ DQG WKH FOHDU OLJKWZHLJKWLQJ   and the box can be widely recycled.Noel Clarke, vice
          possibilities it offers. Moreover, the energy savings   president of refreshment at Unilever, said: “As we
          enabled by StarLITE Still – mainly achieved through a   head towards summer, we’ve listened to our customers
          reduction in blowing pressure and heating power – are   and are working hard to rethink plastic packaging for
          significant, with no compromises on the packaging      RXU LFH FUHDP UDQJHV  :H·UH GHOLJKWHG WR EH WULDOOLQJ
          performances. This base design can be adapted to all Sidel   this wrapper-less Solero multipack with Ocado in the
                                                                 UK. If successful and the feedback from customers is
          blowing platforms and applied to existing production lines   positive, this innovative pack could reduce the amount
          to reduce the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).  X-LITE Still   of plastic we use in the future to package our ice
          has been optimised by the company’s engineers for the   FUHDPV µ +HOHQ %LUG  VWUDWHJLF HQJDJHPHQW PDQDJHU DW
          Sidel Super Combi, the single smart solution integrating
                                                                 :5$3   DGGHG   ´:H·UH
          ÀOOLQJ FDSSLQJ DQG FDS IHHGLQJ  ´%DVHG RQ D GHGLFDWHG   the level of innovation
          preform design for optimal mechanical performances,    and creativity that
          this latest addition to our packaging portfolio is able   Unilever, a founding
          to withstand label application on the empty bottle, in   member of  The UK
          spite of its extremely light weight. It allows for the ideal   Plastics Pact, has
          bottle shape design for nested packs and enables an    shown in developing
          optimum top load resistance of 34 kg, able to match the   this new pack. It will be
          explains Laurent Naveau, Sidel Packaging Expert.  As the   who we know want to be able to recycle the packaging
          lightest bottle in the world for still water, Sidel X-LITE   WKH\ EULQJ KRPH IURP VXSHUPDUNHWV  :H ORRN IRUZDUG
          Still dramatically reduces the consumption of PET resin:   WR VHHLQJ WKH UHVXOWV RI WKH WULDO µ

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