Page 52 - Plastics News August 2019
P. 52


          Conair launches D Series dryers                        Coperions complete
                                                                 compounding system and
             onair  has launched its D Series dryer that  are built
          CZLWK  GHVLFFDQW  ZKHHO  GU\LQJ  WHFKQRORJ\   :LWK  WKH   engineering expertiseZSK M26
          launch of its D Series large desiccant dryers, with nominal
          throughputs from 600 to 5000 pounds per hour, Stamford,   operion has enabled Benin-based blown film
          Connecticut-based Conair says it is simplifying its large   Cmanufacturer Asahel Benin Sarl. to produce
          dryer offering. Every model is built with desiccant wheel
          drying technology, a common touch-screen control and   VXVWDLQDEOH  ELR EDVHG SODVWLF ÀOPV LQ WKH IXWXUH E\
                                                                 delivering a complete compounding system and sharing
          an expanded set of standard features. “Every one of our   the corresponding process engineering expertise. The
                                      new large D series dryers   system includes a ZSK 26 Mc18 twin screw extruder,
                                      provides a far wider array   four highly accurate feeders from Coperion K-Tron,
                                      of high-demand features    as well as a water bath, an air wipe and a strand
                                      as standard equipment,     pelletizer from Coperion Pelletizing Technology. Before
                                      not options, and delivers   plastic bags and packaging were banned in Benin
                                      them through a common
                                                                 in July of 2018, this west African manufacturer had
                                      FRQWURO LQWHUIDFH µ  VD\V   PDGH  LWV  SODVWLF  ÀOPV  XVLQJ  SRO\HWK\OHQH   3(   7KH
                                      A. J. Zambanini, drying    new law forced the company to completely convert
                                      products manager for       its production. Following a successful test and training
                                      Conair. “The result is a   phase at Coperion’s Stuttgart test lab, Asahel Benin
                                      line of large dryers that   Sarl. will produce biodegradable compounds in its home
                                      are intuitively easy to
                                                                 country with the aid of the ZSK twin screw extruder,
                                                                 and will then further process these on its existing
                                                                 EORZQ  ÀOP  PDFKLQHU\  LQWR  ELRGHJUDGDEOH  EDJV  DQG
          LQWURGXFWLRQ RI ODUJH ' 6HULHV GU\HUV FRQÀJXUHG IRU FHQWUDO   packaging materials.  The lab-scalesystem includes a
          systems, our D Series line now extends from the Model
                                                                 ZSK 26 Mc18 twin screw extruder, four highly accurate
          '   DOO WKH ZD\ WKURXJK WKH 0RGHO '      :H·YH GRQH    powder, pellet, and liquid feeders, as well as a water
          everything we can to provide continuity across the board   bath, an air wipe and a strand pelletizer type SP 50.
          so that buying, installing and using them will be very much
                                                                 The system enables maximum freedom in developing a
                                                                 suitable formulation. In so doing, the system can allow
          The largest dryers in the D Series feature the DC-C
          programmable electronic control, software and interface
          developed by Conair for drying applications. The standard
          DC-C Premium control system offers a color touch-screen
          user interface and a comprehensive set of features like
          temperature setback; dew point monitoring and control;
          real-time trending; seven-day auto-start/stop; library of
          customizable resin drying recipes; energy usage metering;
          audible and visual alarms; and Industry 4.0 enabled with
          remote control capability. An energy saving Optimizer   materials to be added from many different components
          package adds a variable frequency blower drive, drying   as well as intensive melt devolatilization. Following the
          monitor probe, return air dew point monitor, volatile trap   die head with nozzle comes a water bath for strand
          DQG SURFHVV ÀOWHU PRQLWRU WR ' 6HULHV GU\HUV  7KHVH PRGHOV   cooling, dewatering of the strand surfaces using an
          get the DC-C Optimizer control, an augmented version   air wipe, and a strand pelletizer. Peter von Hoffmann,
          of the Premium control, that uses the same interface   General Manager Business Unit Engineering Plastics &
          and 7-inch color screen. In the D Series, Conair says it   6SHFLDO $SSOLFDWLRQV  DW  &RSHULRQ   H[SODLQHG   ´:H·UH
          has enhanced the desiccant wheel system, adding more   thrilled that we could support Asahel Benin Sarl. in
          precise rotational control to ensure optimal desiccant   switching over their production in order to accomplish
          heating, cooling and drying performance.               it more sustainably.

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