Page 64 - Plastics News December 2016
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Bag litter numbers fall at UK beaches
The now United Kingdom-wide charge for single use to identify, and it was impossible to accurately predict
plastic retail bags has had a significant impact on where it had come from. While the figure of an average
the amount being carelessly thrown away by consumers, of 649 littered items collected per 100 meters was a 4
according to the Marine Conservation Society (MCS). In percent decrease on last year, data collected by Great
its latest Great British Beach Clean report, the MCS said British Beach Clean volunteers also showed a rise of more
the number of plastic bags found across 364 beaches than 4 percent in the quantity of drinks containers found —
around the U.K. — which had been "swept" by nearly including plastic bottles, bottle tops and aluminum cans.
6,000 volunteers China raises subsidy on
over one weekend plastics machinery exports
in September —
had fallen by 40 The Chinese government have started paying
percent in a year. equipment manufacturers a 17 percent subsidy
The northwest of on plastic
England saw the machinery
greatest reduction exports in
in bags found the form of
along 100-meter- “tax refund”
long stretches of effective
coastline, down 67 November
percent, while the southwest witnessed a 63 percent 1. The policy
fall. In the southeast the figure was 51 percent lower change is
than last year. In Scotland, where a 5-pence charge expected to
has been in place since 2014, the decline was smaller, support exports
at 10 percent, while Wales, which introduced a charge of injection molding, extrusion, blow molding and
five years ago, saw littered bags down by a third. MCS other types of plastics processing machinery. The
Beachwatch Manager Lauren Eyles, said the charge had refund rate has fluctuated in the past decade,
been vindicated in terms of lessening the impact of bags starting at 17 percent, then dropping to 15 percent,
on the country’s beaches: “In the last decade, our Great then 14 percent, back to 15 percent, and now back
British Beach Clean volunteers have found an average to 17 percent. China’s exports of plastic machinery
of 10 single use carrier bags for every 100 meters of increased 4.9 percent to $1.5 billion in the first nine
coastline cleaned. “This year, for the first time since months of 2016, according to data from China’s
the charges were introduced, we’ve seen a significant customs department. During the same period, imports
drop in the number and that can only be as a result of dropped 14.8 percent to $1 billion. China’s trade
the charge which is now in place in all the home nations. surplus of plastic machinery during the first three
“It vindicates the charge, which we predicted would be quarters stands at $423.95 million. China’s imports
good news for the marine environment. Thanks to our of injection molding presses dipped by 19.8 percent,
thousands of fantastic volunteers who collect beach litter by value, while exports rose to 1.8 percent. Extrusion
data, we can now see the impact these charges have equipment imports shrank by 12.7 percent, while
had.” However Eyles said the figure of 268,384 individual exports rose 7.2 percent. Blow molding machinery
pieces of plastic picked up by MCS beach cleaners was a imports dropped by 26.9 percent, while exports rose
“disaster,” despite the amount being less than last year’s 10.2 percent.
tidy-up operation. Analysis from the MCS said that 43
percent of the litter found on U.K. beaches was too small
• December 2016 • Plastics News 64