Page 72 - Plastics News December 2016
P. 72
Business NEWS 10
INDIA 2017
International Plastics Exhibition & Conference
Where the future of plastic is...
JAN 2017
19 20 21 22 23 MUMBAI. INDIA
Manjushree Technopack expands pan-India by acquiring Varahi
Manjushree Technopack, the Bengaluru-based consumer and healthcare companies across India.”
rigidpackaging and preform manufacturer, has Manjushree Technopack, which registered a turnover
acquired Varahi Ltd’s rigid packaging business for an of approximately Rs 550 crores, caters to the needs
undisclosed amount. This strategic acquisition, a first for of leading companies across consumer and healthcare
Manjushree Technopack, further strengthens its lead as sectors in India and several other export markets by
the largest rigid packaging solutions provider in India with providing them a one-stop shop for their rigid packaging
a consolidated turnover needs. While the company came out with an IPO in 1995,
of approximately Rs it delisted from the stock exchange in 2015 and raised
800 crore. Varahi has private equity funding from Kedara Capital. Today, it is
five manufacturing the largest PET bottles and performs manufacturer in
facilities at Delhi, South Asia with a capacity of over 80,000 metric tonnes.
Noida (Uttar Pradesh),
Manesar (Haryana), Solvay to sell Acetow and gets
Baddi (Himachal approval for sale of Indupa
Pradesh), Pantnagar (Uttarakhand). Manjushree, which stake
is setting up plants in Haridwar and Guwahati to expand
its operations in the northern & north-eastern states, Solvay, the Belgium-based materials group, has
has been working on a plan to spread its business across agreed to sell its cellulose acetate tow business,
India. With the Varahi acquisition and its new plant called Acetow, to private equity funds managed by
in East India, Manjushree has established a pan-India Blackstone. The sale of Acetow, which makes materials
presence with eight manufacturing units across South, used in cigarette filters, is based on an enterprise value
North and East India. Manjushree’s client base, which
includes various global and domestic leading consumer of about €1bn, representing
companies such as GSK, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Nestle, around 7 x EBITDA multiple,
Mondelez, Reckitt Benkiser, and USL amongst others, will said Solvay in a 7 December
further get diversified through the addition of Varahi’s announcement. The group
esteemed client base such as Dabur, Bajaj Corp, SC will use proceeds to pay
Johnson, Perfetti and Patanjali amongst others. With down debt. Solvay expects
presence across multiple packaging technologies and to generate a capital gain of around €150m after tax.
a pan India presence, Manjushree today offers a one- "The divestment of Acetow is another significant step
stop shop packaging solution to companies in consumer in Solvay's transformation towards a multi-specialty
and healthcare space across the country. Vimal Kedia, chemical group with a higher growth profile," said
managing director, Manjushree Technopack, said, “This Jean-Pierre Clamadieu, CEO of Solvay.
is a significant milestone for Manjushree as it marks
our first strategic acquisition. Varahi has a 40 year old In a separate announcement on 7 December, Solvay
legacy and we were impressed by their client base and said the Administrative Council for Economic Defense
manufacturing capabilities. Acquisition of Varahi’s rigid (CADE), the Brazilian antitrust authority, has given
packaging business is a win-win situation for customers clearance to the agreed sale of its 70.59% stake in
and Manjushree as it will enable us to cross-sell world- PVC producer Solvay Indupa to chemical group Unipar
class packaging solutions to Manjushree and Varahi’s Carbocloro. Solvay Indupa produces PVC and caustic
customers and establish our strong foothold in north soda in Brazil and Argentina. Solvay said it expects
India. This will further strengthen our leadership position completion of the sale to Unipar Carbocloro, at a total
as a 360 degree rigid packaging solutions provider for enterprise value of $202.2m, which was first announced
in May, to take place in the next few weeks.
• December 2016 • Plastics News 72