Page 84 - Plastics News December 2016
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Manchester university to explore advancement of nano products
Silvergate Plastics, the UK’s largest manufacturer us to optimise production processes and mechanical
of masterbatches and compounds, along with structures was incredibly exciting for Silvergate Plastics!
Manchester University has invested in pioneering bespoke Nano materials have such great potential in a vast and
manufacturing equipment to support the advancement of diverse range of applications, so naturally we were keen
nano products. The university has invested £61m from EU to explore its performance within polymers. We carried
out a number of trials to determine the effects of various
funding into its state- grades of nano materials and this information has now
of-the-art research been passed back to our customer to continue with its
facility to explore and research in this area. We now have the infrastructure
optimise the potential to support more ground-breaking projects relating to
of these revolutionary nano materials and we look forward to spearheading
materials. Nano advancements in this new technology.”
materials typically
made from carbon Biodegradable polymer
are being dubbed coating for implants
the new wonder
technology, as they can Medical implants often carry surface substrates that
improve mechanical release active substances or to which biomolecules
performance whilst reducing the weight of a host of or cells can adhere better. However, degradable
applications used across a diverse range of sectors, including
automotive, aviation, electronics and manufacturing. gas-phase coatings for
Manchester University has invested £61m from EU funding degradable implants,
into its state-of-the-art research facility to explore and such as surgical suture
optimise the potential of these revolutionary materials. materials or scaffolds
for tissue culturing,
Silvergate Plastics holds an enviable reputation for driving have been lacking so far.
innovation, improving production processes and boosting Researchers of Karlsruhe
product performance, which is why it was recently Institute of Technology
approached to investigate methods of enhancing the now present a polymer coating that is degraded in the
mechanical properties of polymers using nano materials. body together with its carrier. "Our new degradable
Silvergate quickly responded to the challenge and began polymer films might be applied for functionalization
working closely with research teams working with the and coating of surfaces in biosciences, medicine, or
Manchester Museum of Science & Industry and Manchester food packaging," says Professor Joerg Lahann, Co-
University. A series of trials were undertaken at Silvergate’s Director of the Institute of Functional Interfaces of
manufacturing facility to determine the optimum Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). Together with
processing parameters and mechanical properties of a an international team, he produced polymer films with
number of products. Due to the nature of these materials, functional groups as "anchor sites" for fluorescent dyes
Silvergate invested in the installation of new extraction or biomolecules. For the first time, the researchers
and handling equipment. This investment has enabled present a CVD (chemical vapor deposition) method
the company to support future projects involving nano- to produce biodegradable polymers. Via special side
filled materials and explore new production technologies. groups, biomolecules or active substances can be
Commenting on this latest investment, managing director attached. This opens up new potentials for e.g. coating
Tony Bestall, said: “With nano materials being dubbed the biodegradable implants.
wonder technology of the future and us employing many
of the market’s leading technical innovators, being invited
• December 2016 • Plastics News 84