Page 86 - Plastics News December 2016
P. 86

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                                                                                       INDIA 2017

                                                                                International Plastics Exhibition & Conference

                                                                        Where the future of plastic is...
                                                                                JAN 2017
                                                            19  20  21  22  23  MUMBAI. INDIA

PMC makes the maiden                                        Surat's experiment with
initiatives for Plastics Road                               plastic roads

The Pune Municipal Corporation's maiden initiative          In a first, Surat Municipal Corporation (SMC) has
     to resurface a road using the mixture of plastic         successfully devised a unique technique to deal with
waste was completed successfully the Navi Peth area.        disposal of plastic waste. The plastic waste generated
The civic body had taken up a small stretch of road         in the Diamond City will be used in the construction of
for resurfacing — a baby step towards adopting a tried

and tested technology. The mission accomplished, it         asphalt roads. The entire process is very simple. The
now plans to extend the initiative at 10 more roads in      plastic waste material above 40 micron and below 90
phases. Resurfacing of roads with plastic mix is likely to  micron, including items like plastic carry-bags, plastic
be conducted at Rajendranagar, Vimannagar, Magarpatta       cups, plastic packaging for potato chips, biscuits,
City, Koregaon Park, Mithanagar, Balewadi, Model Colony,    chocolates, etc. are shredded to a particular size using
Yerawada and the Baner Road area. Officials stressed they   a shredding machine. The aggregate mix is heated at
would be seeking weekly report of every work. The civic     150°c and transferred to the mixing chamber, and the
body said it used plastic waste in the bituminous mix for   bitumen is heated to 160°c to result in good binding.
resurfacing the road at Navi Peth. The mixing was done      It is important to monitor the temperature during
according to the prescribed guidelines of the Indian Road   heating. The shredded plastic waste is then added
Congress (IRC). About 4% of shredded plastic was mixed      to the aggregate. It gets coated uniformly over the
with every tonne of bituminous mix, which comes to          aggregate within 30 to 60 seconds, giving an oily look.
about 50kg. "We have started the use of plastic mix by      The plastic waste coated aggregate is mixed with
resurfacing a 150-metre-long road in the Navi Peth area.    hot bitumen and the resulting mix is used for road
The first attempt looks perfect. Now, more roads will be    construction. The road laying temperature is between
resurfaced using the similar plastic mix. The civic body    110°c to 120°c. The roller used has a capacity of 8
has been working on the project for the past two months.    tonnes. "The advantages of using waste plastic for road
Various laboratory tests and trials were conducted on the   construction are many. The process is easy and does
mixture. The permission of technical committee was also     not need a new machinery. For one metric tonnes of
obtained," said Rajendra Raut, the head of PMC's road       bitumen, around 80 kilogram to 100 kilogram plastic
department. He said shredded plastic of 2.36mm to 600       waste is used. Plastic increases the aggregate impact
microns was used in the mixture. The civic body would       value and improves the quality of flexible pavements.
be able to gauge the mixture's durability, water resistant  Wear and tear of the roads, rainwater seepage and
capacity and density in the next few days.                  road durability could be increased to a large extent,"
                                                            said municipal commissioner M Thennarasan. Adviser
                                                            and incharge of road development department
                                                            Jatin Shah told TOI, "Plastic waste helps increase
                                                            the strength of the road. These roads have better
                                                            resistance towards rainwater and cold weather. "

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