Page 88 - Plastics News December 2016
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JAN 2017
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Plastic-free day observed in A tiny town in West Bengal
Kochi is turning waste into piles of
The Kochi Corporation observed Plastic Free Day on
December 8, to mark state-wide inauguration of the A163-year-old municipality administering a small
Haritha Keralam project. Mayor Soumini Jain announced town in West Bengal has shown the world how to
the programme at a special council meeting held at the manage solid waste in an eco-friendly way, potentially
Corporation for implementation of the Haritha Keralam giving urban planners and administrators the key
to tackling one of the biggest civic problems.The
initiatives of Uttarpara-Kotrung municipality helped
the Kolkata Solid Waste Management Improvement
project. “The primary focus of the project is cleanliness Project win a global award, defeating nearest
and water conservation, and we aim at making the division contenders Auckland and Milan in urban solid waste
dirt-free through the programme. The Kochi Mission management category in the C40 Mayors’ Summit
project we implemented earlier will give a boost to the held in Mexico City on December 1. Uttarpara, a 10.9
Haritha Keralam project. People should refrain from sq km small city with a population of 1.9 lakh, is one
using public at least for one day, and shop-keepers should of India’s 415 cities with a population of 1 lakh or
extend support to the initiative,” said the Mayor, adding more. It also boasts of Asia’s oldest free public library.
that the project was a collective movement for which the The recognition should provide the entire country a
support of every individual was essential.“Currently, more reason to rejoice. A ride down the streets of Uttarpara
plastic waste is generated in the city than food waste. – often flanked by palatial 19th and 20th century
We are not equipped to treat the entire waste generated houses – reveal roadsides and market places that are
in the city,” said the Mayor. mostly free of garbage, a common sight in most urban
centres. Municipal workers collect bio-degradable and
Meanwhile, Opposition councillors blamed the ruling non-degradable solid waste stored in designated bins
council for its allegedly lethargic attitude towards at households, carry them in vans having separate
implementation of the project, which was announced by chambers and dump them separately at the transfer
the LDF Government. According to them, the Corporation centre. Though the project’s name includes Kolkata,
has failed to initiate steps to implement the Haritha it actually covers six municipalities in Hooghly district
Keralam project, despite receiving a government order. – Baidyabati, Champdani, Rishra, Serampore, Konnagar
“As per a circular issued by the government on November and Uttarpara-Kotrung.
27, 2016, all civic bodies have to convene special council
meetings to brief the representatives about the Haritha
Keralam project. According to the organisers of Haritha
Keralam, it is a visionary programme formulated for the
future of Kerala, rather than a one-day programme. The
Collector also urged everyone to grow pesticide-free
vegetables in their backyards.
• December 2016 • Plastics News 88