Page 81 - Plastics News December 2019
P. 81

iNtErNAtioNAL NEws

          New Zealand plans initiatives to                       US, China to suspend 15 Dec

          eliminate single-use plastics                          tariffs, US to cut other duties

             he Government of New Zealand has decided to            he US and China have agreed on to suspend a new
          Timplement a number of initiatives to eliminate single- Tround of tariffs that they had planned to impose
          use plastics and reduce waste. The decision follows a   on  each  other  on  15  December.  In  addition,  the  US
          successful implementation of the single-use plastic bag ban   will lower tariffs to 7.5% from 15% on $120bn worth of
          earlier this year. New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern   goods, according to both President Donald Trump and
                                              said: “Our ban on   the US Trade Representative (USTR). The US imposed
                                              plastic bags has   those tariffs on 1 September as part 1 in the fourth
                                              already made       round of tariffs. Part 2 of the fourth round of tariffs
                                              a difference as    were to be imposed on 15 December, and they are
                                              we confront our    now off the table. China had retaliated with its own
                                              enormous long-     fourth round of tariffs, also divided  into two parts.
                                              term challenge     Under it, China added new tariffs on some products and
                                              to tackle plastic   increased existing ones on other products. It is unclear
                                              waste. “Many       if China had agreed to lower or roll back part 1 of its
                                              New Zealanders,    fourth round of tariffs. Nonetheless, the suspension
                                              including many     of the planned 15 December tariffs brings some relief
                                              children, write    to  the  US  and  Chinese  manufacturing  and  chemical
                                              to me about        sectors, which have been weighed down by the trade
          plastic, concerned with its proliferation over the past   war. US chemical exports of $136.7bn in 2019 are set
          decade and the mounting waste ending up in our oceans.   to decline 2.5% from 2018, before ticking up 1.1% to
          “I share this concern for our natural environment,     $138.2m in 2020, according to the American Chemistry
          one that sustains our tourism, trade and our national   Council (ACC). Imports are also set to decline by 3.9%
          identity.” The country’s primary goal will be to eliminate   to $104.8bn in 2019 before rising 1.2% to $138.2bn in
          single-use packaging and beverage containers made      2020, according to the ACC.“The export side has been
          from hard-to-recycle polyvinyl chloride and polystyrene,   hit significantly with China’s retaliatory tariffs and the
          including polystyrene meat trays, cups and takeaway food   slowdown in global manufacturing,” said Martha Moore,
          containers. Collaboration with the local government and
          industry will be intensified to promote reliable kerbside
          collection of recyclables. The development of a labelling
          scheme for packaging, including plastics, will continue in
          collaboration with the industry. Ardern added: “We will
          work towards ensuring that these are made of high-value
          alternatives like PET, HDPE and polypropylene, which can
          be recycled and reprocessed. “We can ensure that New
          Zealand’s future is not full of throw-aways but of smart
          innovations and practical steps to reduce, reuse and
          recycle.” Prime minister’s Chief Science Advisor professor
          Juliet Gerrard released the Rethinking Plastics in Aotearoa
          New  Zealand  report  that  recommends  implementing  a   senior director - policy analysis and economics at the
          national plastics action plan, plastics data collection   ACC, at a 5 December press briefing. For commodity
          improvement, developing and enabling consistency in    chemicals and polymers, China would have slapped
          design, use and disposal, embedding Rethinking Plastics in   new 10% tariffs on US low density polyethylene
          the government agenda, as well as innovating, amplifying   (LDPE), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polycarbonate (PC),
          and mitigating environmental and health impact of      caprolactam and phthalic anhydride on 15 December.
          plastics.                                              Those are now off the table.

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