Page 96 - Plastics News December 2019
P. 96

produCt NEws

          Coveris develops fully recyclable                      Switzerland’s Bina chooses

          shrink film solution                                   Sidel’s shrink wrapper

            ustainable packaging solution provider Coveris has      wiss food manufacturer Bischofszell Nahrungsmittel
          Sdeveloped a new range of fully recyclable shrink film   S(Bina) has chosen a shrink wrapping system from Sidel
          solution.The new shrink film range Duralite R is made   to package its square and round bottles of organic juices
          of 50% post-consumer recyclate (PCR) and an optional   and iced teas. Bina needed to process its new squared
          pre-consumer top-up material. The innovation is part   bottles while still running round bottles on the same
          of the company’s ongoing sustainable commitment        line. According to the company, this was challenging
                                        to offering flexible     because the orientation of squared containers had to
                                        packaging solutions      be controlled within the whole process to get a pack
                                        that  are  recyclable.   with correctly facing bottles. As a result, a traditional
                                        Delivering a fully       mass flow infeed system was not possible. Meanwhile,
                                                                 flexibility was a key requirement for Bina, given the
                                        circular, reduced CO2    large range of bottle formats – from 250 ml to 2l – that
                                        solution for multi-pack   it processes on the line. “For us, changeovers’ speed
                                        products, Coveris’       and ease were important features of the overwrapping
                                        n e w   D u ra li t e ™  R   solution provided,” Kapusuzoglu added. Space was also
                                        range offers a next      a key  issue.  Bina  was impressed by Sidel’s compact
                                        generation shrink film   unifilar 90° infeed system where the flow is managed
                                        solution that is both    on one lane – directly from the sleeving machine with
                                        100% recyclable and      no lane dividing system needed. Instead, the flow of
                                        contains up  to 50%      juice and iced tea bottles goes straight to the shrink-
          post-consumer recyclate (PCR), plus an optional        wrapper. “First, a selecting device with lateral brackets
          pre-consumer top-up material. As part of its ongoing   delivers the right number of products per row while
          sustainable  journey  to  deliver  recyclable  flexible   ensuring the necessary distance between each row,”
          packaging solutions, Coveris’ new Duralite™ R shrink   explained Valérie Cattenoz, overwrapping product
          film provides a fully circular solution to meet both the
          environmental and legislative demands of the future.
          Suitable for all secondary applications including multi-
          wrap cans and bottles, the new low-gauge, high-strength,
          high-clarity film is born out of Coveris’ market leading
          Duralite™ shrink brand which is used by all leading global
          brands in the beverage and grocery sector. Containing up
          to 50% PCR (post-consumer recyclate) plus additional pre-
          consumer material top-up content, provided by Coveris’
          own zero-waste circular manufacturing process at its
          extrusion facilities, the 100% recycled solution offsets
          the need for virgin materials whilst still maintaining
          the same robust performance, optical clarity and line   manager at Sidel. “These rows are then transferred at
          efficiency. Available as printed and unprinted versions,   a 90° angle by an ‘on the fly’ pusher, which redirects
          the lightweight recycled, recyclable polyethylene (PE)   the flow of three to five bottles in accordance with the
          packs also offer a significantly reduced carbon footprint   shrink-wrapper’s flow direction.” The installed system
          compared to cardboard alternatives.  Duralite R shrink   is technically capable of running at a maximum speed of
          film range is intended for secondary applications and can   150 cycles per minute, depending on the exact product
          be used for multi-pack of cans and bottles.            size and shape. “The solution is complemented by a tray
                                                                 module, delivering tray plus film packs,” Cattenoz said.

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