Page 98 - Plastics News December 2019
P. 98

produCt NEws

          H.B. Fuller launches Glymo-free                        Inovyn launches World’s first

          Flextra adhesives                                      commercially available grade of
                                                                 bio-attributed PVC
             .B. Fuller has launched a series of products free of epoxy
          Hsilane commonly known as Glymo, within its Flextra
          range of adhesives for flexible packaging. The adhesive   novyn has launched its
          provider also confirmed that this range does not contain   Ilatest  generation  of  PVC
          organotin or BPA and specific grades are free of cyclic   under the brand name
          esters. H.B Fuller said this modification gives converters   BIOVYNTM, becoming  the
          and food manufacturers complete confidence that when   world’s first commercial
          they use one of H.B. Fuller’s Flextra adhesives for their   producer of bio-attributed
          flexible packaging, they are choosing a compliant and food   PVC using a supply chain fully
          safe adhesive solution that will give them the performance   certified by The Roundtable
          they’re looking for. This reassurance is key at a time   on  Sustainable  Biomaterials
          when converters and food manufacturers face growing    (RSB). Manufactured at
          regulation and increased pressure from consumers. The   Rheinberg, Germany, BIOVYNTM is made using bio-
          Flextra range includes both solvent-based and solvent-free   attributed  ethylene, a renewable  feedstock derived
          products for medium and high performance applications.   from biomass that does not compete with the food
          Individual solutions also offer additional benefits such as   chain. BIOVYNTM is certified by RSB as delivering a 100%
          room temperature curing, fast curing and PAA decay, as   substitution of fossil feedstock in its production system,
          well as the option to use an aliphatic system to avoid PAA   enabling a greenhouse gas saving of over 90% compared
          altogether.The announcement from H.B. Fuller is in line
          with recommendations from FEICA, the Association of    to conventionally produced PVC. Filipe Constant,
          the European Adhesive & Sealant Industry, for members   Business Director said , “Through our sustainability
          to replace Glymo in food packaging adhesives before    programme we are developing a new generation of
                                              mid-2020. This     PVC grades that meet both the rigorous product quality
                                              follows guidance   and  performance  needs  of  our  customers,  whilst
                                              from t h e         moving us closer towards a circular, carbon-neutral
                                              European  Food     economy for PVC. Driven by the increasing global focus
                                              Safety Authority   on  the  circular  economy,  there  is  growing  demand
                                              (EFSA) that        for a specialist, renewable PVC that decouples its
                                              Glymo, which is    production from the conventional use of virgin fossil
                                              typically used     feedstocks.  BIOVYN™ meets that demand. BIOVYN™ is
                                              to  impr o v e     expected to have numerous value-added applications
                                              adhes io n to      across a range of industry sectors, including highly
                                              ino r ganic        specialised end-uses such as automotive and medical.
                                              surfaces such as   INOVYN has been working closely with Tarkett since
          aluminium or SiOx coated films, has a genotoxic potential.   the early stages of product development. Filipe adds,
          It is expected that the regulatory classification will change   “In addition to developing new bio-attributed PVC
          from  10ppb  to  0.15ppb  shortly.  Throughout  history,
          H.B. Fuller has built upon our knowledge to continually   grades, we continue to play a pivotal role in the wider
          innovate. From the first hot pick-up “gum” to being one   VinylPlus® programme, through which the industry is
          of the first U.S. companies to specialize in waterproof   collectively improving the sustainability performance
          adhesives, H.B. Fuller has paved the way for adhesives   of PVC.” INOVYN is a vinyls producer that ranks among
          to improve products and lives across the globe. Today,   the top three worldwide.  With a turnover above €3.5
          our focus on innovation brings together people, products   billion, INOVYN has more than 4,300 employees and
          and processes that answer and solve some of the world’s   manufacturing, sales and marketing operations in ten
          biggest adhesion challenges.                           countries across Europe.

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