Page 97 - Plastics News December 2019
P. 97

produCt NEws

         Cypet develops  world’s biggest                         MatBørsen AS  rolls out a range

         PET container                                           of soup pots with click-on tray

             ypet has  produced  an  open-mouth  PET drum of
          C120 l,  with  a  400 mm  neck  diameter,  providing the
          PET processing industry with the opportunity to enter      orwegian company MatBørsen AS has rolled out
          new applications, with a unique and value-adding PET   Na range of soup pots with click-on tray inserts
          container. The main advantage of PET drums is their lower   at retailer Meny after joining forces with Sealpac to
                                                                 develop a dedicated packaging line. The company
          weight, typically being about one-third less than for an   worked with Dutch injection moulder Naber Plastics to
                                     equivalent HDPE drum.       develop the latest ready-to-eat soup concept, which
                                     This is made possible by    is a two-part pack, with a tray insert under the lid for
                                     the superior mechanical     dry  inclusions  and  trimmings,  and  with  lidding  and
                                     properties of  PET and      sealing technology supplied by Sealpac. The soup has
                                     generates substantial       a shelf-life of up to 30 days. Freddy Andre Henriksen,
                                     savings in raw material cost.   controller at MatBørsen, said: “We wanted the click-
                                     The resulting important     on lid of the pot not to be fully fixed, as it would have
                                     economic, logistical and    to be opened again at retail. Sealpac constructed the
                                     environmental bene-fits,    lidding system in such a way that the lid is clicked into
                                     especially  for  export-    place only partly without it coming off during transport
                                     oriented applications,      or at retail.”The line starts with a Sealpac AS-LS1200
                                     makes the shift to PET      denester that places the soup trays onto the in-feed
          drums an attractive option. In addition to the weight   conveyor, after which they are transported to the
          reduction, PET drums can be made transparent, which    Leonhardt filling system. This is done with Sealpac’s
          may be preferable for specific applications. Furthermore,   Walking  Beam  system,  which  guarantees  the  most
          due to the orientation of the PET molecules during     accurate positioning of the pots underneath the filling
          the stretch blow moulding process, PET drums provide   heads. After filling, the Walking Beam ensures smooth
          very good barrier properties for alcohol and essential
          oils products. Finally, the smooth, glossy surface finish
          provides an attractive appearance and also allows for
          easy cleaning when required. Cypet Technologies states
          that its single-stage PET processing technology has been
          proven to be able to produce very large PET containers, up
          to 150 l. The Cypet production system has the capability
          to injection mould the preforms and directly stretch-
          blow mould them into containers on the same machine,
          in such a way that  enables  large container  production
          with minimal energy consumption. In Cypet’s history of
          success, the world’s first 50 l PET container, a beer keg,
          was produced in Australia in 2015 on a Cypet machine.
          The world’s second 50 l PET container, a milk drum with
          built-in rigid handles, was produced in 2016 in Kenya, also   transport of the liquid product without spilling over the
          on a Cypet machine. In 2018, finally breaking the 50 l size   edge. The trays are securely sealed on a Sealpac A7
          barrier. CYPET’s single stage technology is patented and   traysealer with 5-impression tooling and transported
          retains all the advantages of conventional single-stage   to the lidding section. Here, the first Sealpac DA-M770
          technologies while adding 3 more: lower investment cost,   lidding system clicks an empty tray insert onto the
          lower energy consumption and unparalleled flexibility in   sealed soup pot. Shortly after that, the second DA-770
          terms of the range of products that can be produced on   lidding  system places a snap-on  lid  onto the empty
          the same machine model just by changing moulds.        click-on tray insert.

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