Page 44 - Plastics News December 2020
P. 44

Survey shows 66% Scots would support single-           Honolulu Mayor Delays Plastic Utensil Ban by
          use plastic charge                                     90 Days

              survey by YouGov has revealed that 66% of Scots
          Awould support introducing charges on single-use            onolulu Mayor
          plastic to cut reduce usage. The poll was conducted for  HKirk  Caldwell
          non-governmental organisation Zero Waste Scotland. It
                                                                 agreed to delay the
          also showed that 89% of those backing an additional
          charge  supported  the  move  to  reduce  harm  to  the   enforcement  of  a
          marine environment. Additionally, 87% supported the    plastic utensils ban

                                                                 on businesses in the
                                                                 Hawaii  Island  of
                                                                 Oahu  by  90  days.
                                                                 Businesses on Oahu
                                                                 that serve prepared
                                                                 food  will  now  have  until  March  31  to  use  up  their
                                                                 existing  stock  of  plastic  utensils  under  the  mayor's
                                                                 extension announced earlier in the month.  To reduce
                                                                 solid  waste,  to  protect  the  environment,  to  reduce
                                                                 climate change, and to protect the health of humans,
          move to reduce litter and 81% cited stopping/reducing
          climate  change  as  the  reason.  Zero  Waste  Scotland   animals,  and  marine  life,  in  December  2019,  the
          chief  executive  Iain  Gulland  said:  “It  is  clear  from   Honolulu City Council passed a single-use plastics ban
          these results that people are worried about the impact   that is scheduled to go into effect in January 2021. The
          single-use  plastic  items  have  on  our  environment.
                                                                 Hawaii Restaurant Association and Hawaii Food Industry
          These items can last for decades and the damage they
          can cause to wildlife is shocking. “We have to find ways   Association  had  been  asking  Caldwell  to  delay
          to cut down the stream of items we are sending into    enforcement of the ordinance that was scheduled to
          what should be pristine habitats and the consultation
          offers a valuable way for people to contribute to the   begin  January  01,2021  because  of  economic  issues
          discussion around market restrictions.” The survey also   throughout  the  industry  caused  by  the  coronavirus
          sought  respondents'  opinion  on  introducing  a  new   pandemic.“The restaurant industry is one of our largest
          legislation to restrict the supply of single-use plastic
                                                                 industries here in urban Honolulu,” Caldwell said. “It
          items such as plates, plastic straws, balloon sticks and
          cutlery,  beverage  stirrers  and  more.  The  EU  Single   employed,  prior  to  the  pandemic,  55,000  people,
          Plastics  Directive  identifies  these  products  as  the   generating  billions  of  dollars  in  revenue  and  they're
          major  contributors  of  litter  found  in  the  marine
                                                                 really hurting. Many of them hang on by their fingernails
          environment.  Marine  Conservation  Society  Scotland
          conservation  officer  Catherine  Gemmell  said:  “It's   hoping for that brighter summer that is coming, but
          encouraging to see so many people in this survey link   they  need  to  get  to  that  summer.  And  so  every
          the single-use plastic issue to the negative impact it
                                                                 additional cost that we place on them makes it harder
          has on Scottish seas and wildlife. “We hope the Scottish
          Government will take swift action and bring in further   for  them  to  live  into  that  brighter  summer.”  The
          measures  to  move  Scotland  towards  a  circular     plastics ban had been approved by the Honolulu City
          economy  where  nothing  is  wasted  or  thrown  away,   Council in December 2019. The ordinance also includes
          negatively impacting our seas and beaches.” In August
          this year, the UK Government decided to double the     plans to ban the distribution of plastic plates, bowls and
          price of single-use plastic carrier bags to 10p from April   other food items starting in 2022.
          next year.

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