Page 45 - Plastics News December 2020
P. 45

Turkey  remains  biggest  illegal  dump  for           US  and  Canada  approve  pact  as  Basel
          Europe's waste                                         restrictions near

              onnes  of  plastic  packaging  from  popular  British
          Tsupermarkets like Sainsbury's and French frozen
          food retailer Picard is illegally dumped in Turkey, the
          top  destination  for  European  waste,  according  to  a
          report  from AFP.    It  states  illegally  dumped  plastic

                                                                 N    ew trade restrictions will make it more difficult to
                                                                      ship scrap plastic from the U.S. to most countries
                                                                 next  year.  But  exports  to  Canada  are  unlikely  to  be
                                                                 affected by the policy. Countries around the globe are
                                                                 expected  to  start  implementing  new  scrap  plastic
                                                                 import  regulations  in  2021,  in  line  with  the  Basel
          waste is visible at a growing number of sites in southern
                                                                 Convention amendment that was approved last year.
          Turkey. There are at least 10 known sites. AFP visited
                                                                 Because the U.S. is not a party to the Basel Convention
          three  last  month.  A  reporting  team  came  across  a
                                                                 and most of its export markets are, it's unclear how
          fourth  by  chance  after  discovering  a  load  of  waste
                                                                 exactly it will impact U.S. exports, but is likely to slow
          dumped  on  the  side  of  a  road  in  southern  Adana
                                                                 the flow of plastic out of the country. That's on top of
          province. Piled in mounds or strewn in ditches, plastic
                                                                 already-declining  export  volumes  due  to  fluctuating
          waste from the UK, France, Italy and the Netherlands
                                                                 overseas  markets.  Earlier  at  meeting  of  industry
          was identified by AFP. Turkey was the top destination
                                                                 stakeholders,- MRF Summit hosted by ISRI and the Solid
          for waste exported from the EU in 2019, data from
                                                                 Waste  Association  of  America  (SWANA)  held  in
          Eurostat  showed  on  April  16.  Its  officially  recorded
                                                                 November  ,  Adina  Renee  Adler,  vice  president  of
          imports amounted to around 11.4mn tonnes. Despite
                                                                 advocacy for the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries
          its green aspirations, the EU still recycles less than a   (ISRI), explained that the largest U.S. export market
          third of its plastic waste, burning or burying the rest. It   will allow trade as usual. Adler announced a recently
          only  recycles  half  of  that  third  itself,  sending  the   negotiated arrangement between the U.S. and Canada
          remainder  abroad.  Turkey  became  Europe's  go-to    that will allow scrap plastic shipments between the two
          destination for plastic waste after China began to close   countries to continue. The Basel Convention permits
          its doors to foreign waste from January 2018. Monthly   agreements  between  specific  countries  to  allow
          imports of plastic waste from Europe leapt by more     exceptions to the Basel controls, Adler explained. “We
          than tenfold from 2016 to 2019, according to Eurostat   are just learning this week that the United States and
          data, with Turkey taking in nearly a quarter of what the   Canada have successfully negotiated an arrangement
          EU exported last year. Sedat Gundogdu, a professor at   that will preserve the status quo of trade” in all non-
          Cukurova University in Adana said, “As Western Europe   hazardous plastics, she said, that means mixed-plastic
          pays for the waste to be taken away, there is a financial   bales will be allowed to move between the countries,
         temptation for Turkish firms that import it to dump it   for  example,  whereas  those  bales  will  be  tightly
         rather than pay to recycle it.”                         controlled for export to other countries.

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