Page 48 - Plastics News December 2020
P. 48

Huhtamaki  invests  in  fibre  packaging                  ProAmpac  acquires  three  Canadian  private-
         manufacturing plant                                      based manufacturers
                                                                     lexible  packaging  company  ProAmpac  has
              uhtamaki,  a  key  global  provider  of  sustainable   Fenhanced its manufacturing capabilities with the
          Hpackaging  solutions  for  consumers  around  the      acquisitions  of  three  private-based  packaging
          world, is investing for further growth in Russia. In order   products  manufacturers  in  Canada.  The  private
                                                                  businesses  are  Rosenbloom  Groupe,  Hymopack  and
          to  respond  to  the  fast  development  of  the  retail
                                                                  Dyne-A-Pak. Financial details of the transaction are
          business  and  egg  packaging  industry  in  Eastern  and   not disclosed. ProAmpac CEO Greg Tucker said: “All of
          Central parts of Russia, the company is setting up a new
          fiber packaging manufacturing plant at its existing site
          in Alabuga, Tatarstan. Preparatory work on the site is
          under  way  and  production  of  fiber  packaging  is
          expected to begin during the first quarter of 2022.

                                                                  us at ProAmpac have deep respect for the legacy and
                                                                  long history of excellence of the Rosenbloom Group of
                                                                  companies.  “We  are  pleased  to  add  this  strong
                                                                  business  to  our  platforms,  which  enhances  our
                                                                  presence  in  Canada  and  allows  us  to  broaden  our
                                                                  product  offering  in  the  US.  “With  the  Rosenbloom,
                                                                  Dyne-A-Pak  and  Hymopack  brands  as  part  of  the
          “Russia is one of our key growth markets,” says Eric Le
                                                                  ProAmpac family, we will deliver even greater value
          Lay,  President  for  the  newly  integrated  Fiber  and
                                                                  and services to our customers.” Rosenbloom Groupe,
          Foodservice  Europe-Asia-Oceania  business  segment.    Hymopack and Dyne-A-Pak supply products including
          “This  additional  capacity  for  molded  fiber  egg     paper  bags,  plastic  bags  and  can  liners,  and  foam
          packaging enables further profitable growth for us in    packaging trays. The companies serve North American
          Russia. The location in Alabuga, Tatarstan, allows us to   retailers, grocery chains and quick service restaurants
          better  serve  our  customers  operating  in  the  fast-  (QSR),  wholesale  distribution  companies.  With  the
          developing Central and Eastern parts of Russia,” he     acquisition of Rosenbloom, ProAmpac now operates 35
          continues. Huhtamaki entered the Russian market in      sites  globally  with  nearly  4,600  employees.  It  will
          1980  to  supply  the  Moscow  Olympics  with  products   serve more than 5,000 customers across 90 countries.
                                                                  Following the deal, Rosenbloom Groupe's will continue
          manufactured in Finland. Manufacturing operations in
                                                                  to  operate  in  Canada  and  will  maintain  its
          Russia  began  in  1994  in  Ivanteevka,  near  Moscow,   manufacturing facilities. Rosenbloom Groupe Richard
          where  Huhtamaki  currently  manufactures  both
                                                                  Rosenbloom  said:  “The  ProAmpac  team  has
          foodservice and fiber packaging. The Alabuga unit in     demonstrated  an  appreciation  for  our  history  and  I
          Tatarstan began operations in 2016, initially as a paper   look forward to working collaboratively with Greg as
         cup manufacturing site. In 2019 Huhtamaki's net sales    we seamlessly bring our organisations together.
         in  Russia  were  EUR  108  million  and  the  company
                                                                    “Our  capabilities  are  highly  complementary  with
         currently  employs  approximately  700  people  across
                                                                  ProAmpac's  operations,  and  I  am  confident  this
         the  two  manufacturing  sites.  In  March  this  year,
                                                                  combination  will  deliver  compelling  value  to  our
         Huhtamaki revealed plans to integrate its two business
                                                                  customers and exciting opportunities for our team.”
         segments, Foodservice Europe-Asia-Oceania and Fibre      Based in Cincinnati, ProAmpac manufactures flexible
         Packaging as part of the company's renewed strategy to   packaging  specialising  for  consumer,  healthcare,  e-
         obtain more growth opportunities.                        commerce, retail, and industrial goods markets.

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