Page 56 - Plastics News December 2020
P. 56

Borealis  collaborates  to  launch  new  PCR             Wilmington  Machinery  Debuts  Dual,  Rotary
         packaging closures                                       Blow-Molding Machine

          B  orealis  and  MENSHEN,  a  leading  specialist  for   W Rotary  Blow-Molding  Machine  that  can  handle
                                                                       ilmington  Machinery  has  introduced  its  Dual,
             plastic  closures  and  packaging  systems,  have
                                                                  two bottles with different capacities at rates up to 600
          collaborated on a series of 10 packaging closures based
                                                                  bottles  per  minute.  New  blow-molding  equipment
          on Borcycle™, an evolving recycling technology which
                                                                  from  Wilmington  Machinery  can  handle  two  bottles
          transforms polyolefin-based waste streams into value-    with different capacities at rates up to 600 bottles per
          adding  versatile  solutions.  Borcycle  is  used  to   minute to match a filling line's speed. The MSBW60-DC
          manufacture a range of compounds made of recycled       dual,  rotary  blow-molding  machine  has  common
          polyolefins  (rPO)  which  are  ideal  for  use  in      extrusion, die-head, and trimming components and is
          sophisticated  rigid  packaging  applications.  This    capable of molding small one- to 10-ounce bottles for
                                                                  single-serve  drinks,  personal-care  products,
          evolving technology unites the Borealis recycling and
                                                                  chemicals,  and  more.  The  60-station,  all-electric,
          compounding expertise with its own. These packaging
                                                                  single- or dual-cavity wheels operate at the required
          solutions are predominantly made for use in laundry
                                                                  rate without a mold change. This dramatically reduces
          and homecare and include also 2K closures. MENSHEN
                                                                  setup time from one bottle size to the next by as much
          employs a rigorous process to ensure that the quality of   as  75%.  The  machine  quickly  disconnects  for
          the post-consumer recycled (PCR) material selected      electrical,  water,  and  pneumatic  services  reduce
          for a closure is in perfect alignment with its required   wheel setup time from hours to a matter of minutes.
          functionality. In the course of collaboration, Borealis   The Trimmer setup time is comparatively quick. With
          and MENSHEN determined that Borcycle™ UG522MO, a        this preventive maintenance can be performed on a
          polypropylene  (PP)  compound  made  of  50%  PCR       wheel while it is out of production, reducing time and
                                                                  labor  costs  while  ensuring  that  setup  performs
         content,  would  be  the  ideal  choice  for  the  new   correctly at startup. A unique rail system guides one of
         closures,  as  it  offers;  Potential  reduction  of  CO2
                                                                  the two wheels out of the molding system and guides
         emissions  by  up  to  15%  when  compared  to  use  of   the other wheel into the molding position. Setup time
         comparable virgin PP in similarly demanding packaging    from one bottle size to the next reportedly is reduced
         solutions, Reliable and consistent high quality, making   by as much as 75% on the MSBW60-DC dual, rotary
         it ideal for rigid packaging applications, A ready-made,   blow-molding  machine.  Image  courtesy  Wilmington
         drop-in  solution  with  processability  rivalling  virgin   Machinery. The MSBW60-DC is currently available in
         polyolefins,  Excellent  end-of-life  recyclability  in   several  configurations,  including  clamping
         existing PCR streams. A core pillar of the mind-set is   force/bottle size, single or dual parison, one to six
                                                                  layers, radial mold positioning (aka variable pitch),
         that value chain collaboration is essential to making
                                                                  and  custom  features,  as  required.  The  cost  of  the
         plastics  more  circular,”  says  Meta  Cigon,  Borealis   machine with the dual wheels and two sets of molds is
         Marketing Manager Consumer Products. “Teaming up         approximately 15 to 20% more than a single wheel with
         with MENSHEN to deliver high-quality closures made of    two sets of molds, according to Wilmington Machinery.
         50% recycled PCR is proof positive that innovation and   If volume needs increase, one or the other wheel can
         teamwork can move the industry closer to a circular      be  retrofitted  with  its  own  extrusion  and  trimming
         economy. We are helping build a better tomorrow with     equipment,  minimizing  investment  in  a  second
                                                                  production line.
         each step by reinventing for more sustainable living.”

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