Page 53 - Plastics News December 2020
P. 53

BASF and BillerudKorsnäs to develop unique               Siegwerk  India  announces  the  launch  of
         laminate for flexible packaging                           Mineral Oil Free Inks

                                                                     iegwerk,  one  of  the  leading  global  suppliers  of
                                                                  S printing inks for packaging applications and labels
             ASF  and  the  Swedish  packaging  manufacturer      headquartered  in  Germany,  has  announced  their
          BBillerudKorsnäs  have  cooperated  to  develop  a      decision to launch Mineral Oil free inks in India for
          unique home-compostable paper laminate for flexible
                                                                  packaging  purposes.  The  inks  supplied  by  Siegwerk
          packaging. The multi-layer film consists of three basic
                                                                  from its plant at Bhiwadi (Rajasthan) will not contain
          components: BillerudKorsnäs' paper ConFlex® Silk, a
          sealing  layer  made  of  BASF's  certified  home        mineral oils as an intentionally added substance, that
          compostable and partly bio-based biopolymer ecovio®     comprises  of  two  fractions  –  Mineral  oil  saturated
          and BASF's water-based adhesive Epotal® Eco 3675 X      hydrocarbons  (MOSH)  and  Mineral  Oil  Aromatic
          which joins the film to the paper. As all parts of the   hydrocarbons (MOAH). Over the last 3 years, Siegwerk
          multi-layer laminate are food-contact approved, it can   had taken up the pioneering initiative to remove the
          be used to produce wraps with individually adjusted
                                                                  usage of another harmful substance – Toluene – from
          barrier properties, e.g. for cookies, ice cream, cereal
          bars and dairy items as well as wrappers for fish, meat   its  manufacturing  process.  While  announcing  the
          and  cheese  freshly  sold  in  supermarkets.  All      launch of the mineral oil free ink, Mr. Ashish Pradhan,
          components  are  certified  home-compostable             President  –  Siegwerk  India  and  Greater  China  said,
          according  to  official  European  certification  schemes   “Although  the  extent  of  impact  on  foodstuff  is
          for  home-composting. The  laminate  contains  a  high   undetermined by the migration of mineral oil from the
          share  of  renewables  and  extends  the  end-of-life
                                                                  packaging, research states that Mineral oil saturated
         options  for  multi-layer  flexible  packaging  by  being
                                                                  hydrocarbons  (MOSH)  and  Mineral  oil  aromatic
         organically  recyclable.  The  new  home-compostable
                                                                  hydrocarbons (MOAH) chemicals are likely to be easily
         solution  has  the  same  performance  features  as
         conventional  multi-layer  packaging:  It  is  puncture   absorbed  by  different  tissues  in  human  organs.
         resistant,  shows  a  good  printability,  excellent  heat-  Siegwerk champions the cause of Toluene free inks in
         seal  properties  and  can  be  processed  on  standard   India and now, Siegwerk intends to offer mineral oil
         packaging  machines.  The  sealable  laminate  is
                                                                  free inks, thereby raising the bar on packaging safety
         produced in a wet lamination process. The outer layer
                                                                  and  offering  further  advancements  in  terms  of
         consists  of  BillerudKorsnäs'  home-compostable  kraft
                                                                  consumer safety. Mineral oil comprises two fractions
         paper ConFlex® Silk, which is certified according to OK
         Compost  Home  by  TÜV  Austria.  It  shows  good        known as Mineral oil saturated hydrocarbons (MOSH)
         printability and high strength at a weight of 60 g/m². It   and Mineral oil aromatic hydrocarbons (MOAH). Both
         is based on a mix of 100% primary fibers. The inner       MOSH and MOAH may have a harmful effect on human
         sealing layer of the flexible packaging is made of a      health  if  the  foodstuff  is  contaminated  with  these
         blown film out of a particular ecovio® grade by BASF,
                                                                  during  the  production  process  or  through  the
         which also holds the “OK Compost Home” certification
         by TÜV Austria.                                          packaging material.

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