Page 49 - Plastics News December 2022
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pairs made their debut in Tel Aviv. er and CEO. “Our goal is to help turn ed for full biodegradation. Launched
The accompanying video shows first this around. We’re doing this by cre- with the shoes is Balena’s BioCycling
adopters putting the shoes through ating our own viable biodegradable model, whereby customers who
their paces in various activities, in- plastic alternatives and fully circular have finished using their BioCir Slides
cluding biking. systems that can be easily scaled, can return them to designated loca-
BioCir Slides, the company said, are and copied and pasted across the tions throughout the city for com-
the ultimate proof of concept for a globe. We hope our BioCir footwear posting at a local facility.
material that can begin to counteract shows the world that there is a real Once collected, the shoes are shred-
the estimated 92 million tons of tex- alternative: Fashion can be fabulous, ded and buried in composting soil,
tile waste created annually. Just 12% functional, and Earth-friendly. We’re the launch video explains. The rem-
of that material is recycled, the com- proud to be the company opening nants will fully biodegrade in a “few
pany added. the door for any fashion brand to months.” The video also touts po-
start stepping into a more circular fu- tential future uses for the material,
“The global fashion industry is one ture,” said Roubach.
of the world’s biggest polluters,” as- including more stylish sneakers and
serted David Roubach, Balena found- BioCir Slides are meant to be collect- boots and an intricate watch band.
Peel n Pour Customizable Dispensing Liners Prevent Product Leaks
density polyethylene, polypropylene,
PET, and glass, and is printable. Elimi-
nating the need for separate plastic
orifice reducers also allows brand
owners to reduce production costs
and simplify sourcing demands, ac-
cording to TekniPlex.
“Controlling product flow can be an
overlooked benefit whose value is
important because it significantly im-
pacts consumer product experienc-
es,” said DeAnn Umland, Vice Presi-
dent & General Manager, Integrated
n alternative to conventional TekniPlex. Performance Solutions, Americas,
Aplastic press-in orifice reducers, Peel n Pour systems are suited for TeknixPlex Consumer Products.
dispensing liners with a convenient an array of products that require “The ability to dispense only the de-
peel-tab design developed by Tekni- flow control, from personal care and sired amount of high-leverage prod-
Plex Consumer Products simplify cosmetics to pharmaceutical applica- ucts reassures consumers that they
dosing for a variety of liquid, powder, tions. Liquids, powders, flaky goods are less likely to waste product and
and solid products. The Peel n Pour such as spices, and oral solid dose more likely to keep the remaining
product offers strong induction seals items like pills or gummy vitamins product free of contaminants. How
to prevent product leaks and custom can all benefit from both flow control consumers use a product is a crucial
orifice sizes to reduce product flow and leak prevention with the added aspect of its overall success, and Peel
by as much or as little as a brand benefit of a hermetic seal, said Tekni- n Pour’s dual benefits of dosing and
owner specifies. The fully customiz- Plex. leak prevention can tangibly heighten
able peel-tabs allow for easy removal consumer experiences,” said Um-
while maintaining tamper-evidence Peel n Pour can seal with all bottle land.
and preventing product spoilage, said types and substrates, including high-
December 2022 PLASTICS NEWS 49