Page 50 - Plastics News December 2022
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Nutrioli Partners with Aptar Food + Beverage in Mexico to Bring
          Breakthrough Packaging to the Edible Oil Market

                                                                                 product cut-off, the SimpliSqueeze
                                                                                 valve is manufactured from Swim-
                                                                                 ming Silicone®, a unique material
                                                                                 that allows for the valve to be sep-
                                                                                 arated from the closure in PET re-
                                                                                 cycling stream. This means that the
                                                                                 valve will rise to the surface of the
                                                                                 float  tank  during  the  recycling  pro-
                                                                                 cess  for  easy removal,  allowing  the
                                                                                 remainder of the packaging to be
                                                                                 recycled.  Nutrioli  is  the  first  brand
                                                                                 in Mexico to use this innovative and
                                                                                 sustainable solution.
                                                                                 For consumers, dispensing is fast,
           n the food market, brands are con-  ing solution that aims to make oil dis-  easy, and hygienic. “Chop! Chop!
          Itinuously seeking innovative and  pensing spill-proof, enabling a more   Chop!”  has  been  Nutrioli’s  jingle
          sustainable packaging solutions for  hygienic and clean experience with a   since 2005 and now the brand is
          their products. Aptar Food + Bever-  crisp  cut-off  of  oil  flow  as  consum-  using it as a motto that replicates
          age partners with brands to improve  ers stop squeezing the bottle. Not   the  action  a consumer takes  when
          everyday life for consumers through  only does the new solution improve   squeezing the bottle of soy oil to ap-
          packaging solutions that further en-  convenience and hygiene, it also adds   ply to food or cooking utensils, dem-
          hance the consumer experience and  a  safety  element  and  helps  reduce   onstrating the ease of dispensing.
          address  safety,  health  and  wellness,  food waste.                  This unique approach is being used
          convenience, and sustainability.   Nutrioli chose to convert part of its   in the advertising and promotion ma-
                                                                                 terials that Nutrioli specifically devel-
          Nutrioli,  a leader  in  providing  ed-  portfolio to Aptar’s Tapered 33-100   oped to  educate  consumers  about
          ible oils in Mexico, partnered with  with  SimpliSqueeze®  flow  control   the benefits of the oils and the drip-
          Aptar Food + Beverage to improve  valve, a lightweight solution that is   free closures that make their use
          consumers’ experience, through a  ideal for inverted packaging. Besides   even more pleasant.
          convenient and innovative dispens-  the directional dispensing and clean

          Covestro, TMT launch 1,000th polyurethane wind rotor blade

              ovestro (Leverkusen, Germany)  na aims at doubling its wind and solar  ficient and cost-effective production
          Cand Zhuzhou Times New Mate-       power output by 2025. PU resin, an  solution compared to conventional
          rial Technology (TMT, China), a pol-  innovative manufacturing solution for  fiberglass-reinforced epoxy blades.
          yurethane (PU) wind turbine manu-  wind turbine blades, has penetrated
          facturer, recently announced the  the epoxy-dominated market in re-
          launch of the 1,000th PU wind tur-  cent  years,  further  exemplified  by
          bine blade, reaching commercializa-  the PU wind turbines now being used
          tion goals initially developed under a  in commercial wind farms through-
          memorandum of cooperation signed  out  China.  According  to  Covestro,
          by both companies about a year ago.  the resin exhibits higher mechanical
          Under its current five-year plan, Chi-  properties,  and  enables  a  more  ef-

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