Page 47 - Plastics News December 2022
P. 47


         Airnov celebrates five years of manufacturing in                         Mitsui Sees Strong Demand
         India                                                                    for Recycled PP Compounds

                                                                                  President and CEO Osamu
                                                                                  Hashimoto  outlines  the  resin
                                                                                  supplier’s strategy to develop
                                                                                  more sustainable materials for
                                                                                  mobility and other sectors.
          •  Cuddalore facility continues to  market, which is proving very recep-   redicting a 10% upswing in
             serve a growing demand in the  tive  to the  pioneering  products  that   Ppolypropylene (PP) compound
             Indian market and represents an  we are able to bring to customers.  sales in the second half of its fiscal
             important hub for future regional   “As  we  look  ahead  to  the  next  five   year ending in March 2023, Mit-
             growth.                         years, India  will continue to play a key   sui Chemicals President and CEO

          •  Airnov to exhibit  a broad range  role in our business planning.”    Osamu Hashimoto says the com-
             of healthcare packaging solutions,   The  milestone  arrives as Airnov ex-  pany is more than well-placed to
             including  HAT-B®,  EQius®,  la-  hibits at CPHI 2022 in India, a leading   serve the sustainability needs of its
             ser  marked  canisters  and DRI-  tradeshow connecting stakeholders in   customers in the mobility segment
             CARD™ at CPHI India 2022        the pharmaceutical sector.           moving forward. He was speaking
          Airnov Healthcare Packaging, a     In particular, guests are invited to dis-  in Tokyo at his annual CEO pres-
          global leader in controlled atmos-  cover a range of products. These in-  entation.
          phere packaging,  has surpassed    clude:                               “We have already received various
          five years of manufacturing at its                                      requests from clients for the sup-
          production facility in India.      •  HAT®-B: Airnov’s latest innova-   ply of recycled PP compounds in-
                                                 tive vial, is designed to limit car-
          The plant, located in Cuddalore which   bon footprints with an optimized   corporating post-consumer recy-
          sits south of Chennai in the Indian    amount of plastic.  They  contain   clate,” noted Hashimoto. Molders
          state  of Tamil  Nadu,  is  operated  by   an adjustable  desiccant  quantity   are  currently evaluating  colored
          a workforce of around 40 dedicated     and incorporate versatile sorbent   compounds with 30 to 50% recy-
          employees and is ISO 9001 and ISO      materials  to  fit  stability  require-  clate content exhibiting the same
          15378.                                 ments. The vial, suitable for the   quality as virgin products, accord-

          Beginning  production in 2017, the     pharmaceutical,  diagnostic  and   ing to the company. “We are now
          Indian site  is an important local hub   nutraceutical markets, is available   working  to  establish  a  business
          for Airnov serving what is a growing   in two sizes  and is compatible   model, particularly through our af-
          national and regional  market.  It will   with existing filling lines.  filiate Advanced Composites in the
          also prove  critical  in  meeting  future   •  EQius®:  Airnov’s  equilibrium   United States,” he added.
          growth in demand for Airnov’s health-  relative  humidity  stabilizers  are   Besides recycled grades, Mit-
          care packaging solutions.              sorbent products that can main-  sui Chemicals is also establishing

          Shrikar Trikannad, Head of sales India   tain a specific required humidity   frameworks for plastics based on
          at Airnov, commented: “We continue     level in pharmaceuticals.        chemically  recycled  feedstocks
          to see great promise in the Indian                                      and biomass.

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