Page 10 - Plastics news December 2023
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                                    A DIVE INTO BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES
             Plastic Industry – Moulding a Greener Tomorrow with Advanced Plastic Materials and Technologies
                 08th & 09th December 2023, Grande Hall C, Bombay Exhibition Centre, NESCO, Mumbai

          Plastivision India 2023, The All India Plastics Manufacturers’ Association organized Global Conference for
                              Plastics Industry during Plastivision India 2023 at Grande Hall C,
                                        Bombay Exhibition Centre, NESCO, Mumbai.
          The  key  objectives  of  PLASTIVISION’s GLOBAL  expertise for the benefits of the plastic industry.
          bring together Leaders, CEOs, government  authorities,  PLASTICS INDUSTRY was a two day highly informative
          key industry players along with various micro, small or  and interactive  conference event  bringing together
          medium plastics enterprises  and subject  matter  experts  experts who delivered information to help the industries
          from around the Plastic Sector in an open dialogue, under  cope up with various issues and frequently changing trends
          one roof to discuss and exchange information, ideas,  technologies and process in the industry. The event was
          technology and much more. The conference also aimed   highly efficient and created various market opportunities,
          to Provide business and technology  support to MSMEs,   ensured strong business networking, distributed and
          Emphasis on technology, process; Business, management   exchanged knowledge and also hosted a platform for the
          and market,  Help MSMEs with knowledge  to develop   industry to come together and create a path for innovation
          high  quality  products, Case  studies,  expert  discussions,   and growth.
          discussions on practical tools along with Business   The event took place on 8th & 9th December in conjunction
          networking and market opportunities.                 to the  PLASTIVISION INDIA 2023 exhibition at
                                                               the  Bombay Exhibition  Centre,  NESCO,  Mumbai. This
                                                               Convention  provided  a platform for entrepreneurs,
                                                               experts,  businessmen,  and other  stakeholders  to  create
                                                               new livelihood and business opportunities in the plastics
                                                               sector. The two day event witnessed the presence of 364
                                                               delegates and 37 Speakers from various sectors of plastic

          Inaugural was presided by Mr. Manish Dedhia, President
          at AIPMA,  Mr. Arvind Mehta, Chairman - Governing
          Council at AIPMA, Mr. Vagish Dixit, Managing Director,
          ALPLA India,  Dr. Shishir Sinha, Director General, CIPET,
          Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Govt. of India Mr.
          Ashok Menon, Director, Sustainability Strategy & Circular
          Economy – APAC at SABIC and  Mr. Milind  Chavan,
          Sustainability Lead at Dow India. Lamp lighting was done
          by the dignitaries. Followed by the Lamp Lighting which
          set up the positive spirit,  AIPMA delegation led  by
          President Mr. Manish Dedhia felicitated the dignitaries
          on the  dais.  The  All India Plastics  Manufacturers
          Association  (AIPMA) wholeheartedly  thanked all the
          guests and dignitaries on the dais for sparing their valuable
          time  and attending  the conference to contribute their

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