Page 12 - Plastics news December 2023
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          enticing new business opportunities. Shri R. K. Dwivedi,  (Dr.) Sanjay K Nayak, Vice Chancellor of Ravenshaw
          Director  of TTRC  a division of Lohia Corp, provided  University.  Mr. Prashant Lohade, Manager at BASF
          insights into standardization for plastics waste recycling and  India  Ltd.,  explored  the  realm  of  certified  compostable
          the  extended producer responsibility  (EPR) perspective  plastics  and their  pivotal role  in the  circular economy.
          in the  Indian context.  The  session concluded with  Ms.  Following this,  Mr. Peter Putsch, Director, and  Mr.
          Meeta Narsinghani, Associate  Partner  at Circulate  Eduard Putsch of Exipnos GmbH, Germany, discussed
          Capital, shedding light on financing the transition towards  the intelligent  transfer of renewable raw materials to
          plastics circularity. The diverse perspectives presented by  polymers through Indo-German cooperation, highlighting
          the  panelists  offered  a comprehensive  understanding  of  excellent opportunities for Indian plastics processors. Dr.
          the challenges and opportunities in the evolving landscape  Sunder  Balakrishnan,  Director of Natur  Tec  India Pvt.
          of post-consumer  recyclates.  The  participants  actively  Ltd., provided insights into market drivers and emerging
          engaged in the session, posing questions that were expertly  applications for biopolymers, offering a comprehensive
          addressed by the panelists, contributing to a well-rounded  understanding  of their  current  landscape. The  session
          and informative discussion.                          concluded with Dr. Vimal Katiyar, Ph.D., Dean of Research
          The third session, focusing on  Biopolymer and       & Development and Professor at IIT Guwahati, sharing the
          Compostable Plastics, was skillfully chaired by  Prof.   latest developments in biopolymers. The panelists' diverse
          (Dr.) Sanjay K Nayak, Vice  Chancellor  of Ravenshaw   perspectives  contributed  to  a thorough  exploration of
          University.  Mr. Prashant  Lohade, Manager at BASF   biopolymers and compostable plastics, providing valuable
          India  Ltd.,  explored  the  realm  of  certified  compostable   insights  into their  market  dynamics, applications, and
          plastics  and their  pivotal  role  in the  circular  economy.
          Following this,  Mr. Peter  Putsch, Director, and  Mr.
          Eduard Putsch of Exipnos GmbH, Germany, discussed
          the  intelligent  transfer  of renewable  raw materials  to
          polymers through Indo-German cooperation, highlighting
          excellent opportunities for Indian plastics processors. Dr.
          Sunder Balakrishnan, Director of Natur Tec India Pvt.
          Ltd., provided insights into market drivers and emerging
          applications for biopolymers,  offering a comprehensive
          understanding  of their  current  landscape. The  session
          concluded with  Dr. Vimal Katiyar, Ph.D., Dean of    technological advancements. Participants actively engaged
          Research & Development and Professor at IIT Guwahati,   with the speakers, fostering  a dynamic and informative
          sharing  the  latest  developments  in biopolymers.  The   session.
          panelists' diverse perspectives contributed to a thorough   The second day of the conference centred  on
          exploration of biopolymers and compostable plastics,   "Technological   Innovations     and     Business
          providing  valuable  insights  into  their  market  dynamics,   Opportunities in the Plastic Industry." Commencing
          applications, and technological advancements. Participants   with  a warm welcome  from  Mr. Manish Dedhia,
          actively engaged with the speakers, fostering a dynamic   President of AIPMA, the day unfolded with insights from
          and informative session.

          The third session, focusing on  Biopolymer and       Mr. Arvind Mehta, Chairman of AIPMA's Governing
          Compostable  Plastics, was skillfully  chaired  by  Prof.   Council. Keynote addresses featured prominently, with

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