Page 25 - Plastics News February 2017
P. 25

Company News

HPCL gets environment clearance for Rs 3,846 cr expansion project
at Mumbai

State-owned refiner Hindustan Petroleum Corporation          Through Mumbai Refinery Expansion Project, production
    Ltd (HPCL) has received environment clearance for        of MS meeting Euro V/VI norms will be made possible.
expansion of its Mumbai refinery in Maharashtra, entailing   The proposed project will improve refinery margin
an investment of Rs 3,846 crore. With the proposed           and contribute overall development of the region.
                                                             The proposed PRU project will facilitate production of
                                                             chemical grade propylene and revamping of existing CPP
                                                             will ensure self sustainability in power.

expansion, HPCL said the Mumbai refinery will be able        LyondellBasell completes 800 mln
to produce gasoline and diesel meeting Euro IV quality       lb pa ethylene expansion projects
specifications, besides other petroleum products like
LPG, naphtha, kerosene, ATF, fuel oil and sulphur and        LyondellBasell Industries has completed the 800 mln
can meet the current market demands. The proposal                  lbs per year ethylene expansion project at its Corpus
is to expand the refining capacity of Mumbai refinery          Christi, Texas facility. The project expands ethylene
located in Chembur district from 7.5 mln tpa (MTPA) up         capacity at the site by 50% to 2.5 bln lbs pa from 1.7
to 9.5 MTPA including Propylene Recovery Unit (PRU)            bln lbs pa. The conclusion of the expansion at Corpus
and revamp of existing Captive Power Plant (CPP). "The         Christi marks the
Environment Ministry has given environment clearance to        completion of
HPCL's expansion project subject to compliance of some         Ly o n d e l l B a s e l l ’s
conditions," a senior government official said. The total      multi-year plan
cost of the project is estimated to be Rs 3,223.43 crore       to boost annual
for refinery expansion and PRU and revamping of CPP with       ethylene capacity
a capital investment of Rs 622.45 crore. All new facilities    in the U.S. by 2
will be set up within refinery premises of 2.1 acres and       bln pounds and is
the project will be completed within 36 months. Among          also another key
conditions specified, HPCL has been asked to impart            milestone in the company’s organic profit-generating
training to all employees on safety and health aspects         growth strategy. Commissioning of the Corpus Christi
of chemicals handling. It has also been told to set up a       expansion also concludes a multiyear plan launched
separate environmental management cell equipped with           in 2012 by LyondellBasell to increase its overall
full fledged lab facilities for carrying out environmental     US ethylene production by 2 billion lb/year, which
management and monitoring. As per the proposal, HPCL's         included about $2-billion of investments specific to
expansion project will involve integration of facilities       the US Gulf Coast, the operator said. Alongside the
for optimisation of energy and resource conservation.          Corpus Christi project, the program included ethylene
                                                               expansions at the company’s plants at La Porte, Tex.,
                                                               and Channelview, Texas, as well as earlier capacity
                                                               increases at its operations in Clinton, Iowa, and Morris,
                                                               Ill. The strategy has enabled LyondellBasell to proceed
                                                               with another round of growth projects at the US Gulf
                                                               Coast, on which the company plans an investment of
                                                               about $3-4 billion over the next 5 years to complete.

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