Page 27 - Plastics News February 2017
P. 27

Company News

Ester Industries plans                            Indian Oil Corp selects Scientific
R&D & Innovation facility                         Design Company's MEG technology
at Gurgaon
                                                  Scientific Design Company, Inc. (SD) has
Ester Industries Limited, India's leading             announced that Indian Oil Corporation
    manufacturer of Polyester Films,              Ltd. has selected SD’s MEG technology for
Engineering Plastics and Specialty Polymers,      their complex in Paradip, Odisha, India.
has announced that the Company in its quest       This plant will have a capacity to process 180,000 tpa of ethylene.
to become a major technology based player         The award includes the license of process technology, the provision
in the field of special polymers plans to invest  of a process design package, supply of proprietary equipment and
Rs 50 cr to set up a world class R & D and        resin, technical assistance and start up services, and the initial
Innovation complex at Gurgaon. This Centre        charge of SD’s ethylene oxide catalyst.

proposes to house 40 scientists / engineers       SD has licensed over 100 ethylene oxide/monoethylene glycol plants
who will be responsible for researching and       in 25 countries around the world. Scientific Design Company, Inc. is
developing breakthrough innovations. Speaking     a process technology company providing licensing, basic engineering
on the development, Mr Arvind Singhania,          and catalysts for its proprietary processes. The Company is jointly
Chairman, Ester Industries said, "The optimism    owned by Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) and Clariant.
for our Specialty Polymer business is driven by   Since its founding in 1946, Scientific Design has been one of the world’s
a strong confidence in our technology and R&D     leading process technology and catalyst development companies.
capabilities. Our team has already developed      Scientific Design has developed some of the petrochemical industry’s
some exciting products that we believe have       most significant process technologies and catalysts, which are used
tremendous potential in various applications.     today to produce millions of tons of petrochemical intermediates in
The setting up of this R&D Centre will enable us  numerous process plants worldwide
further enhance and expand our capabilities to
innovate with further breakthrough products."     Versalis and Sonatrach sign MOU for
The Specialty Polymer business enjoys the         joint feasibility studies for petrochem
benefits of high enter barriers ensured by
protection through the patents applied for.       Eni’s chemicals business Versalis
The Specialty Polymer business already has a          and Sonatrach have signed a
Product portfolio of 18 products with 9 patents   Memorandum of Understanding to
having been filed. The segment has a strong       carry out joint feasibility studies
product pipeline of 30 products which are at      for an integrated petrochemical
various stages of development.                    complex to be built in Algeria.
                                                  The agreement follows the cooperation agreement signed by
                                                  Eni and Sonatrach last November and provides for the terms
                                                  of a study aiming at enhancing hydrocarbons with value added
                                                  petrochemical products through the development, in Algeria,
                                                  of one or a few world-scale industrial petrochemical facilities.

                                                  This agreement represents an opportunity for Versalis to
                                                  collaborate with an integrated oil corporation, to which the Italian
                                                  chemical producer will offer its industrial experience in managing
                                                  large petrochemical plants, and the access to its proprietary
                                                  technologies, within the framework of strategic joint projects.

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