Page 28 - Plastics News February 2017
P. 28

Features - PVI Show case

A Versatile Shredding Machine by PIMCO

In today’s competitive environments and growing quality            pipes, lumps and thicker sections. This machines on
consciousness for end products, it becomes a necessity for         demonstration at PIMCO stall is well appreciated by
the manufacturer to wisely use materials that can give             pipes manufacturers and leading processors.
him a competitive edge through cost-effectiveness. It is
also now becoming a compulsion to reuse, captive wastes.     Aha 3D Printer
For this purpose , reliable size reduction equipment plays
a major role.                                                Aha 3D has announced the launch of the Aha sat, a 3D printer
Today , PIMCO offers an efficient size reduction technology  capable of making 1+ cubic meter objects, at PLASTIVISION
wherein the single shaft shredder is specially designed      INDIA 2017. With its huge build size, multi material
for shredding plastics lumps, pipes, purging and barrels     support and future-ready software, all the yet-untouched
among others.                                                industries are set to be benefited patterns, spare parts,
The special features include:                                sculptures and all kinds of life size objects. Among others,
                                                             it is set to revolutionise
•	 Main electronic controls are a combination of Siemens     f o u n r d y, f u r n i t u r e ,
      and Scheneider                                         interior, automobile and
                                                             aerospace industries.
•	 Automotive reverse sensors to protect overloading         Names after the symbol
      of machine.                                            ‘*’ for ‘ everything in
                                                             computing the machine
•	 Rotor teeth can be used four ways before changing.        is tailor- made to meet
      This lowers running costs.                             all requirements from a
                                                             3D production machine
•	 Saves on space and power.                                 for your business.
•	 Extremely versatile machine for shredding HDPE, PVC
                                                             Designed from ground
                                                             –u[ to be smart, reliable,
                                                             fast, flexible and future
                                                             –proof, its fully modular design ensures that it can be
                                                             upgraded any time for present and future hardware
                                                             options. Aha Sense OS delivers self monitoring, self-
                                                             correcting and software upgradeability in the machine.

                                                             Machinery for Household and industrial

                                                             BORGHI Brush Machinery Pvt. Ltd. Offers the Alpha113, a
                                                             three axis model and the Alpha 114, a four –axis model that
                                                             are ideal for making household and industrial brushes.
                                                             Under the household brushes segments, they have four
                                                             different options. The first is radial brush, which is flat and
                                                             plain. The second is round brush like the round head toilet
                                                             brush. The third is half round dish washing brush and the
                                                             forth is a double hockey which is fast growing in the Indian
                                                             market. As such, the flat brushes would mean clothes
                                                             washing brushes, shoe polishing brushes, brooms, single

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