Page 52 - Plastics News February 2017
P. 52
Euro Parliament committee wants return to ambitious waste plan
The European Parliament's Environment Committee has compostable bio-waste bags. "The amendments ensure
called for boosting recycling and reducing packaging that the potential of bio-waste as a valuable resource can
waste in its amendment to the draft EU “waste package” be tapped through organic recycling and will provide an
legislation. The proposals made by the MEPs would see important boost to the secondary resource and products
the return of the European Commission’s 2014 ambitious market within the European Union", said François de
environmental targets, such as increasing share of Bie, chairman of EUBP. In line with its ambitious goal to
increase resource efficiency, the committee also voted
to exclude mechanically or organically recyclable waste
from landfills.The MEPs’ proposals in the package will be
put to a vote at the European Parliament’s plenary session
during 13-16 March in Strasbourg.
recycled waste to 70% from today’s 44% within the EU. The P & G launches shampoo bottle
Commission withdrew its originally planned targets and in using beach waste
December 2015 issued a revised Circular Economy proposal
with targets for recycling 65% of municipal waste and 75% Producers of Head & Shoulders shampoo brand have
of packaging waste by 2030. Under the parliamentary claimed the launching of a “world’s first” recyclable
proposal, by 2030, at least 70% by weight of so-called shampoo bottle made
municipal waste (from households and businesses) should from up to 25% recycled
be recycled or prepared for re-use, the MEPs decided on beach plastic. In another
24 January. For packaging materials, such as paper and circular economy-themed
cardboard, plastics,glass, metal and wood, MEPs propose announcement coming out
an 80% target for 2030, with interim 2025 targets for each of the World Economic
material.Also, according to a report by Pack2Go, the Forum in 2017, the Procter
MEPs voted against proposals allowing EU countries to & Gamble Co. (P&G) said
introduce national bans on “single use” packaging. Such the French retail giant Carrefour will supply the limited
measures, said Pack2Go, will “fundamentally undermine edition H&S bottles this summer. P&G claims the
the packaging and packaging waste directive, one of the product, which has been developed in partnership with
EUs most successful pieces of legislation; devastate the recycling experts TerraCycle and SUEZ, is the world’s
single market for packaging and packaged goods; and put largest production run of recyclable bottles made with
food hygiene and consumer safety at risk.” Among other post-consumer recycled (PCR) beach plastic. This, said
decisions were the committee’s position on recycling P&G, could establish a new supplychain that involves
of bio-waste across Europe. Additionally, according to the support of volunteers and NGOs collecting plastic
a report by the European Bioplastics (EUBP), the bill waste found on beaches.
now ensures a separate collection of bio-waste across
Europe facilitated by certified collectiontools such as Additionally, P&G announced that by the end of 2018,
its operation in Europe will be offering more than 500m
bottles per year which are made of up to 25% of post-
consumer recycled plastic. The figure represents more
than 90% of all the hair care bottles sold in Europe across
P&G’s hair care portfolio of flagship brands like Pantene
and Head & Shoulders. The project will require a supply
of 2,600 tonnes of recycled plastic every year.
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