Page 56 - Plastics News February 2017
P. 56
Business NEWS
Chandra Asri Petrochemical Braskem to acquire Cetrel
selects Univation’s UNIPOL™ business unit from Odebrecht
PE Process
Board of Directors of Braskem authorized the
PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk (CAP), Indonesia’s execution of an agreement with Odebrecht Utilities
largest petrochemical producer, has selected to acquire a controlling interest in Cetrel, the company
Univation Technologies’ UNIPOL™ PE Process for its new responsible for treating and disposing of industrial
400,000 tpa polyethylene plant wastewater and solid waste, environmental monitoring
that will be built in Cilegon, and water supply for industrial use to the company’s
Indonesia, at CAP’s Naphtha plants at the
Cracker Complex. This will Camaçari
be the second UNIPOL™ PE Petrochemical
Process line for CAP. CAP Complex in
has also licensed Univation’s Bahia state.
XCAT™ Metallocene Polyethylene Technology, developed Under the
specifically for the UNIPOL™ PE Process, which delivers agreement to
advanced metallocene resin for high-performance acquire 63.7%
polyethylene film structures. The new facility will provide of the shares in Cetrel held by Odebrecht Utilities,
a highly flexible manufacturing platform that can produce Braskem will pay R$610 million (around US$195 mln)
a broad range of polyethylene resin products, including upon the consummation of the transaction, with
high-density polyethylene (HDPE), linear low-density this amount subject to the adjustments typical to a
polyethylene (LLDPE) and metallocene LLDPE. These transaction of this kind.
products are used in an array of consumer and industrial
applications, including agricultural films, industrial The consummation of the agreement is subject to
shipping container applications, and houseware food a vote by the Shareholders’ Meeting of Braskem, in
storage containers. The UNIPOL™ PE Process is the most accordance with Article 256 of Brazilian Corporation
widely used polyethylene process in the world, delivering Law, and to the conditions precedent typical to
a proven, safe process design, highly flexible product transactions of this kind. “Cetrel will play an important
capability, and world-class production economics. “We role in managing the environmental processes of the
are pleased that CAP has selected Univation Technologies Camaçari Petrochemical Complex,” said Braskem CEO
as their polyethylene technology licensor for their new PE Fernando Musa. “The acquisition will ensure the security
plant, and we believe that decision reflects CAP’s positive and reliability of the complex’s industrial operations,
experience with their existing UNIPOL™ PE Process line,” in line with Braskem’s strategy to strengthen its
said Steven Stanley, President of Univation Technologies. petrochemical activities.” An environmental services
“We’re excited to continue working with CAP to help company that launched its activities in 1978 along
them capture new polyethylene market opportunities in with the Camaçari Petrochemical Complex, Cetrel
Indonesia as they bring their new, world-scale UNIPOL™ PE comprises a wastewater treatment plant, elevator
Process plant into production.” According to CAP President stations, industrial incinerators, a water distribution
Director, Erwin Ciputra, the UNIPOL™ PE Process will play system, an extensive collection and transport network,
a strategic role for CAP as part of their integrated Naphtha and other infrastructure assets and environmental
Cracker complex at Cilegon, Banten. “This commitment is monitoring services. The company serves the needs
a major milestone in CAP’s plan to build a new PE plant, not only of Braskem, but also of roughly one hundred
and to ultimately meet our customer’s growing demand companies in various sectors, such as chemicals,
for high-quality polyethylene products in Indonesia,” automotive, beverages, that are installed at the
said Ciputra. Camaçari Complex and surrounding region.
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