Page 48 - Plastics News February 2017
P. 48


Plastics Industry Association                               Mauser launches IPO in New York
releaes EPP guide
                                                            Industrial packaging maker Mauser Group has
The Plastics Industry Association’s (Plastics’) Recycling     announced the start of the process to sell shares and
     Committee has released its “Environmentally            list the company on the New York Stock Exchange. In a
Preferable Purchasing (EPP) Guide.” The guide is            regulatory filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange
designed to introduce the various EPP policies that         Commission, Mauser said it would make an initial public
                                                            offering (IPO) of 12.62 million ordinary shares, with the
                                                            price currently expected to be between $20 and $22
                                                            per share. This would raise between $252 million and
                                                            $278 million. The underwriters have a 30-day option
                                                            to purchase up to an additional 1.893 million ordinary
                                                            shares from Mauser, meaning the total raised could
                                                            potentially be up to $320 million. Mauser Group is
                                                            headquartered in Oosterhout, the Netherlands, and has
                                                            around 4,500 employees at 98 factories in 18 countries.
                                                            Group sales in 2015 were approximately 1.4 billion
                                                            euros ($1.5 billion). The company first began releasing
                                                            information on a potential IPO in 2015. The group

plastics businesses can take advantage of to better         manufactures, distributes and reconditions plastic,
position their products that contain recycled content and   metal and fiber packaging drums, and intermediate
other environmentally friendly qualities to institutional   bulk containers. Mauser is owned by U.S. private equity
purchasers. Institutional purchasing, in the public and     firm Clayton, Dubilier & Rice, which paid $1.7 billion
private sectors, accounts for $10 trillion annually in the  in 2014 to buy the group from previous owner Dubai
U.S., the Washington-based association says. The EPP        International Capital in the United Arab Emirates. The
guide also outlines how companies can work with state and   IPO is likely to take place in late March or early April,
federal agencies to purchase products that have desired     according to the Reuters.
environmental benefits. Numerous federal agencies and
32 states give preferential purchasing status to products
with desired environmental benefits, such as recycled
content, making the business case for environmentally
conscious products from design to inception throughout
the entire supply CHAIN, the Plastics Industry Association
says.“In today’s climate where demand for recycled resins
are down, Plastics’ Recycling Committee is looking for
opportunities that will help drive demand. State and
federal EPP policies have a lot of unrealized potential
in terms of better positioning use of recycled content,”
says Kim Holmes, vice president of sustainability at the
association. “Our hope is that this guide will uncover new
opportunities to use recycled content and offer recyclers
a new sales strategy for positioning their materials with

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