Page 7 - Plastics News February 2017
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Sincere thanks to everyone who made 10th PLASTIVISION
INDIA 2017 such a record success! To be reckoned as World’s
4th largest and business oriented Trade Show of Plastics….
On behalf of the Managing Committee Members of AIPMA, myself and my Colleague, HAREN SANGHAVI
Plastivision India 2017 Team, Team of National Advisory Board & Team of National
Executive Committee, AIPMA Secretariat and AIPMA Zonal Office Staff, I want to express my
appreciation and thanks to all our National & International Exhibitors, Visitors, Associates
and Logo Supporting organisations, Event Partners, Management of NESCO, Service Providers
of various principles, Departments of Union & State Government who permitted to floor the
show, and to the many individuals, companies and organizations who contributed silently
or visibly to the success for our Plastivision 2017. Words are inadequate to express our
gratitude, sincere thanks to each one who lent their shoulders to ensure flawless Plastivision.
1500+ Exhibitors, over 2 Lakh visitors, 8 Halls and over 7 Special Pavilions transacting 2000
Crore business in five days under one roof indeed has been herculean task which is a reality
today, and is inscribed in AIPMA’s history.
This the result of microscopic vision of the NAB Chairman Raju Desai, Plastivision India 2017
Chairman Mr Kailash Murarka and their Team who relentlessly worked for over 30-35 months
setting aside all their business time, personal & family time, Holidays, festivals etc.…, to
ensure that Plastivision India 2017 touches the highest bar of World Plastics Exhibition’s so far.
Special thanks to our sponsors M/s Sudhakar Pipes, and M/s. Hilda Automation for reposing
faith in AIPMA and PVI whom we cannot express our appreciation enough for parallelly working
with the team at the venue to ensure everything is going in right direction.
Last but not the least my Managing Committee, Office Bearers and Governing Council who
have given their quality time to support the event to achieve the target set.
Haren Sanghavi
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