Page 10 - Plastics News February 2017
P. 10
Aipma at work
JSaunopuf eaPrryVD19uItph et2or 2S03ur1dc,cM7esu–smbai Arvind M. Mehta
CMD –Welset Plast Extrusions Pvt. Ltd.
Chairman – Governing Council AIPMA
President – Plastindia International University
Past President– AIPMA & Plastindia Foundation
Hello dear colleagues, I would like to share Super success of the 4th successful Plastics Exhibition in the WORLD.
of Plastivision 2017 and efforts made by our team to make
it one of the TOP FIVE Exhibitions in the world, a matter Friends…. AIPMA and PVI today is reckoned at Global
of big PRIDE for AIPMA. platform…. This is called perseverance and you all have
I am going to highlight and bring to the surface what
Kailashbhai and Rajubhai has done for PVI-2017 and how One after another from PVI rose from National
MCM, GC, Office Bearers, entire House and new young Platform…..
team of Utkarsh, backed by excellent Admin staff; have
supported and strengthened hands of them … ? In PVI 2011 – Chairman - Ajay Desai, opened PVI 2011
from National to International.
It’s truly a golden day in the history of AIPMA – PVI 2017
is a grand success. Devotion, Enthusiasm, continuity & ? In PVI 2013 – Chairman – Raju Desai –brought many
sustained efforts in right the direction by our team, built changes to raise the bar to International level
over last two decades, and has paid rich dividends.
? Now in PVI 2017 Chairman – Kailash Murarka – brought
You will agree that Success, Glory and consistent upwards phenomenal changes onwards taking the baton from
graph edition after edition of PVIs has not come to us so hands from Ajaybhai and Rajubhai… he has set best
easily….. It is the result of humongous time, skill, energy, examples focusing on two major targets i.e. one is
patience and perseverance of each and every honorary exhibitors’ need and their satisfaction & 2nd Serious
members sitting in this House. Outstanding performance, Business Visitors, who provide business.
brilliant display and wise steps for Exhibitors and visitors
have today made PVI-2017 climb the ladder of being one ? Congratulations to Kailashbhai Murarka & Rajubhai
Desai for excellent work.
? He sold off total space two years in advance giving
him enough time to work on other parameters.
? Sponsorship were freezed … Thanks for Sudhakar
Pipes and Hilda who trusted in us
? Minutest and tiniest preparations were streamlined
by paying personal attention
? Payments were received as per stipulated time.
? Foreign agents were appointed much in advance
with money
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