Page 32 - Plastics News February 2019
P. 32

internAtionAL news

         Fresh funds to help clean up ocean plastics in Asia

             lobal Investors are becoming increasingly aware of the   improve the plastic industry’s circularity, beginning in five
         Genormous environmental and social problems created    countries – India, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and
         by the accumulated 150 million tons of plastic waste in   Vietnam – some of which have been replacing China as
         the world’s oceans, a volume that grows by some 8 million   the world’s dumping ground for solid recyclable waste.
         tons every year. The proliferation of photos of dead sea   The Incubator Network is partnered with the Ocean
         animals and birds, their bellies stuffed with plastic bits,   Conservancy  and,  separate  from  the AEPW’s  infusion,
         and tourist beaches populated by more plastic bags than   expects to receive USD 90 million from initial investors
         people illustrates the issue. With their growing awareness   including PepsiCo, Procter & Gamble, Dow, Danone,
         of the ocean plastic pollution problem, investors are also   Unilever and the Coca-Cola Company.

                                                                 ECHA proposing a ban on
                                                                 microplastic particles

                                                                    he European Chemicals Agency ECHA is proposing a
                                                                 Tban on microplastic particles that are intentionally
                                                                 added to mixtures used by consumers or professionals.
                                                                 The restruction proposal covers a wide range of uses
                                                                 in consumer and professional products in multiple
         seeing the potential for returns for contributing to the   sectors, including cosmetic products, detergents and
         massive efforts needed to deal with the issue. In January,   maintenance products, paints and coatings, construction
         some 30 major global companies created the Alliance to   materials and medicinal
         End Plastic Waste (AEPW), committing more than USD 1    products, as well as
         billion in investment over the coming five years to tackle   various products used
         this issue in one of the most comprehensive and well-   in agriculture and
         funded efforts to date. AEPW members include private    horticulture and in the
         sector companies that make, use, sell, process, collect   oil and gas sectors. If
         and recycle plastic products. Global components of its   adopted, the restriction
         strategy include partnering with cities on integrated   could reduce the
         waste management programs and collaborating with        amount of microplastics
         the UN and other agencies to host workshops on good     released to the environment in the EU by about
         governance.But it has an initial focus is on South and   400 thousand metric tons during the next 20 years.
         Southeast Asian countries, where the ocean plastic waste   The  agency  assessed  the  health  and  environmental
         problem is especially acute, accounting for about half of   risks  posed by intentionally  added microplastics
         the plastic that flows into oceans annually.            and concluded that an EU-wide restriction would be
         This  focus  is  seen  through AEPW’s  investment  of  USD   justified.ECHA’s  assessment  found  that  intentionally
         10 million in a new initiative of impact investment     added microplastics are most likely to accumulate on
         management  firm  Circulate  Capital  and  innovation   land, as the particles concentrate in sewage sludge
         agency Second Muse that supports waste management       that is frequently applied as fertilizer. A much smaller
         technologies and start-up entrepreneurs. The initiative,   proportion of these microplastics is released directly
         called the Incubator Network, is designed to help       to waterways. Once released, they can be extremely
         coordinate work of several existing efforts towards     persistent in the environment, lasting thousands of
         achieving similar plastic waste reduction goals.  The   years, and practically impossible to remove. Due to their
         Incubator Network is a targeted initiative within Circulate   small size, microplastics and nanoplastics created from
         Capital’s broader goals to move plastic waste out of    the further degradation of microplastics may be readily
         the environment and into the recycling value chain and   ingested and thereby enter the food chain.

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