Page 37 - Plastics News February 2019
P. 37

internAtionAL news

          Turkish  university  students                          UK thinks tanks says Plastics

          produce edible plastics                                Packaging Plan urgently needed

             aziantep University's (GAUN) Department of Food        new report from
          GEngineering's students have produced starch-based  A a UK think tank
          edible  plastics  to  support  the  Zero  Waste  Project. To   has  called  for  “bold
          support the Zero Waste Project, seniors Melis Öcal, Güneş   natio nal” action
          Zübarioğlu  and  Pınar Altaş  and  postgraduate  student   from businesses and
          Hatice Yaprak launched a study about three months ago   the government to
          on biodegradable film that is both edible and dissoluble   combat the problem
          without causing any residue in nature. Students have   of  plastic  waste.The
          produced biodegradable films from starch and foodstuffs   “Plastics  Packaging
          in large quantities, aiming to contribute to both the   Plan – Achieving Net
          economy and the environment.Speaking to Anadolu        Zero  ‘Waste’  Exports”
          Agency (AA), Hatice Yaprak said that various studies are   report, published by
          carried  out  for  zero  waste  projects  in Turkey  and  the   Policy Connect and backed by MPs from multiple
          world. She stated that they want to make a contribution   parties, states the UK needs a holistic, coherent plan to
          to  these  studies.  Touching  on  the  contribution  of   take responsibility for its contributions to global plastic
          the  production  of  food-based  edible  plastics  to  the   pollution. It recommends authorities move toward a
          environment and economy, Yaprak said, "Our aim is to   more circular, sustainable approach to plastic waste
          contribute to the economy, to produce new products     management in the dual interests of addressing the
          at low cost and to be environment-friendly. The edible   plastics problem and promoting British innovation and
                                                                 green jobs. The UK uses 3.3 million tonnes of plastic per
                                                                 year, much of which is exported to other countries for
                                                                 disposal, where it ends up either in landfills or in the
                                                                 ocean. According to the Plastics Packaging Plan report,
                                                                 ending this practice by imposing a “zero export” policy
                                                                 could reduce annual CO2 emissions by the same amount
                                                                 as taking 45,000 cars off the road.
                                                                 The report contains 18 recommendations for government
                                                                 bodies and businesses, including: increasing the UK’s
                                                                 recycling  infrastructure  and  raising  staffing  levels
          plastics we have produced are dissolved and lost in nature   •   Streamlining the recycling process for citizens;
          and can be recycled again." Yaprak noted that plastics
          made of petrol pollute the environment and harm living   •    Adopting stricter policies and clear targets to
          creatures, emphasizing that it is hard to eliminate their   reduce the use of plastics, with a target of zero
          harmful effects. She underlined that they are trying to    plastic waste exported by 2030; and
          produce food-based edible plastics in order to bring a   •    Updating the design of plastic packaging to make
          solution to this problem and start domestic production.    it less wasteful and boost the use of recycled and
          "We  want  to  contribute  to  the  national  economy  with   recyclable materials.
          environment-friendly and low-cost edible plastics. We aim
          to use it in packaging and other areas. So, people can live   Jonathan Shaw, chief executive of Policy Connect,
          in a healthier environment. It will not harm a person when   said: “Britain’s used plastic export habit is costing our
          it is eaten as it is completely food-based. For example,   economy and the planet. British consumers want to
          packaged bread can be eaten with the plastic around    recycle more but our lack of UK reprocessing plants
          it. Our product is starch-based and will not be harmful.  and circular policies are letting them down.

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