Page 34 - Plastics News February 2019
P. 34

internAtionAL news

         Japan to ban plastic straws and cutlery in government cafeterias

             he government decided earlier this month to        working with industry toward making all plastics recyclable
          Tban in principle the use of plastic straws and       by 2030 and to significantly reducing the unnecessary use
          cutlery in its cafeterias and to stop passing out plastic   of single-use plastics.
          bottles  to  conference  attendees  —  its  latest  policy  on
          environmentally friendly procurement. In an effort to   New York's plan to expand a
          catch up with the global trend, the Environment Ministry
          has drafted a strategy to cut disposable plastic waste   bottle deposit program
          by 25 percent by 2030 and to oblige Japanese shops to
          charge for plastic bags. The strategy is expected to be    ew York is looking to
          officially endorsed by March, but some critics have called   Nexpand its nickel-
          into question its effectiveness, saying it lacks concrete   deposit  law  to include
          measures to curb plastic waste. The policy will be applied   plastic and glass bottles
          to all central government institutions, including ministries,   containing juice, coffee
          courts and regional bureaus, when they start signing new   and tea concoctions, plus
                                     procurement  agreements     sports and energy drinks.
                                     from April.  The  move      Single-use plastic bags
                                     comes  as  Japan  seeks     would be banned in New
                                     to showcase its efforts     York under a new proposal
                                     to reduce plastic waste     from Gov. Andrew Cuomo.Cuomo said in his proposed
                                     ahead of the Group of 20    2019 budget, released today, he will introduce
                                     summit in Osaka in June.
                                                                 legislation banning the bags and also expanding the
                                     Under the revised Basic     state’s beverage container deposit. “The ban will
                                     Policy on Promoting Green   help reduce the greenhouse gas emissions associated
                                     Procurement,  shops  in     with bag production and disposal, from petroleum
                                     government buildings will   used  to  produce  the  bags  and emissions  from the
          only be permitted to give customers bags made with     transportation  of  bags  to  landfills,”  the  governor’s
          a certain amount of natural materials. Plastic cutlery,   budget proposal said. Cuomo said the state will make
          however, will only be given to customers if requested. Shop   sure the law doesn’t hurt people with low incomes.
          operators will also be asked to offer economic incentives   Plastic bags are a growing environmental problem.
          to encourage  customers not to use  plastic  bags.During   They do not break down, can kill wildlife, and cost
          conferences, including those that are outsourced, the use   millions to dispose of. The New York City Department
          of plastic bottles and disposable cups will be forbidden. If   of Sanitation estimates it spends $12.5 million a year
          meals are offered, the use of disposable plastic containers   to handle about 73,000 tons of plastic bags. The ban
          will be limited as much as possible. Japan is lagging behind   was one of several recommendations made last year
          other countries in curbing the use of plastics despite   by the state Plastic Bag Task Force. The task force was
          growing fears of environmental pollution. While China was   created in March 2017, shortly after the state shot down
          the largest worldwide generator of plastic packaging waste   an attempt by New York City to impose a 5-cent fee
          in 2015, Japan was responsible for the largest amount per   per bag.The governor is also proposing to expand the
          capita after the United States, according to data from the   5-cent bottle deposit to sports drinks, energy drinks,
          U.N. Environment Program. Packaging waste accounts for   fruit and vegetable beverages, ready-to-drink tea and
          around half of the plastic waste generated globally. Japan   coffee and wellness beverages. Exceptions would be
          and the United States have faced criticism for not signing   made for containers of milk and milk substitutes, infant
          the Ocean Plastics Charter, aimed at reducing the use of   formula, syrups and flavorings, medical prescriptions
          disposable plastic, at the Group of Seven summit in Canada   and dietary supplements, the budget said. A redemption
          in June last year. The charter commits governments to
                                                                 reward would ensure more of the materials are reused.

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