Page 40 - Plastics News February 2019
P. 40

Business news

          Baerlocher investing US$30 million in its Indian subsidiary

             aerlocher, one of the leading global manufacturers of   to all corners of the globe” adding “Baerlocher is at the
          Badditives for the plastics industry is investing US$30   forefront with established value-oriented solutions and is
          million in  its Indian subsidiary, doubling  its existing   committed to extend the same support to our customers
          capacity by 2021 with phase one due for completion in mid-  in India”. Jayen Modi added “With our new capacity in
          2019. Baerlocher, one of the leading global manufacturers   2019, we will remain as a reliable supplier of non-dusting
          of additives for the plastics industry is investing US$30   Lead stabilisers and Liquid mixed metal stabilisers with
          million in  its Indian subsidiary, doubling  its existing   room to grow further in these sectors, however, a range
                                           capacity by 2021     of exciting new product forms for Calcium based systems
                                           with phase one due   will  be  available  to  our  customers  for  the  first  time
                                           for completion in    in mid-2019”.
                                           mid-2019. Already
                                           India’s largest PVC   PPC Flexible Packaging buys
                                           stabiliser producer,
                                           this investment       HFM Packaging
                                           demonstrates the
          company’s  commitment to the buoyant Indian plastics
          industry, supporting its growth and providing choice for   lexographic printer and
          convertors to enable their transition towards sustainable   Fconverter  PPC  Flexible
          Calcium based stabiliser systems for all PVC applications.   Packaging  LLC  of  Buffalo
          Metal stearates production will be further expanded    Grove, Ill., has acquired HFM
          as well as warehousing facilities and a state of the art   Packaging Ltd. Terms of the
          research and development laboratory will be established.   deal, which was finalized
          Baerlocher’s  plant  in  Dewas,  near  Indore  in  Madhya   earlier this month  were
          Pradesh, was purchased in 1999 from National Peroxide —   not  disclosed.  PPC  Flexible
          a milestone that marked the beginning of the Baerlocher   Packaging,  LLC  has  acquired  Pewaukee,  Wisconsin-
          Group of Companies presence in India.Twenty years later,   based  HFM  Packaging  Ltd.HFM  Packaging,  Ltd.  has
          the  company  has  the  most  diverse  product  range  for   more than 40 years of experience producing packaging
          all PVC as well as CPVC applications, producing various   solutions for cosmetics, personal care, pharma, food
          intermediates, Lead based and Calcium based solid one   and  industrial  applications.  It  is  a  market  leader
          pack PVC stabilisers, as well as a wide range of Liquid   in the use of labels as peel and reseal closures for
          stabilisers. The phase one of the expansion including a   personal care markets as well as a converter of
          new warehouse and an immediate increase to its Lead
          and Calcium based stabiliser production capacity is in   pouches. They are known for their high-speed die-
          the final phase of construction and will be commissioned   cut labeling capabilities, state-of-the-art resealable
          by mid-2019. A recent acquisition of 25 acres of adjacent   pouching technology and engineering assistance using
          land to the current facility will provide the footprint for   turnkey  packaging  solutions."We  are  excited  to  add
          the next phase of expansion which will accommodate a   the exceptional team at HFM to the PPC family,” says
          world class manufacturing facility dedicated to producing   Kevin Keneally, PPC Flexible’s CEO. “It's our goal to
          only Calcium based stabilisers and metal stearates. “With   leverage HFM's state-of-the-art reclosable and pouch
          the demand for PVC in India growing annually by 7-8%,   technologies in both consumer and healthcare markets
          driven by growth in agricultural and infrastructure sectors,   to an even higher level of growth through new and
          this investment shows our commitment to our customers   existing customers across all of PPC's businesses."Adds
          and supports the country’s ‘Make in India’ programme,   Paul Martinez, CEO of HFM Packaging: "I am very proud
          said Jayen Modi, Managing Director of Baerlocher India.   of the growth HFM has witnessed over the past 40 years.
          Arne Schulle, CEO of the Baerlocher Group of Companies   We are excited to share technologies with PPC and are
          commented, “The pressure upon the plastics industry    pleased to have found a partner with the ability to
          to  find  environmentally  sustainable  solutions  extends   increase our progress."

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