Page 10 - Plastics News February 2021
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AipmA At work
Virtual Exhibition Plastiworld 2021 - Webinars
Background: unlimited opportunities to connect and share product
The idea of organizing this Global Plastic Packaging Expo knowledge etc.
occurred after witnessing the exceptional growth that
the packaging industry has experienced over the years. Sessions and Webinars:
Packaging is emerging as the most powerful and fastest There were a series of webinars and sessions planned in
growing sector in the plastic industry. This segment is a manner that it benefits the industry in the maximum
likely to witness higher growth in the comings times with amount possible. The sessions helped the visitors obtain
lifestyle changes in the society. While this offers large insights & knowledge about the advancements not only
opportunities of growth for the industry, it would also on the packaging front but various other sectors of the
require facilitation in terms of R&D and Innovation. industry which will help keep up with the rapidly changing
Overall, the Indian packaging industry is valued at over
USD 32 Bn and offers employment to more than 10 • “Enhancing Plastic Exports from India” - 19th
lakh people across the country through ~10,000 firms. January 2021
Packaging is one of the fastest growing industries and Export is a very important aspect in terms of growing
stands at USD 700 billion globally. Therefore, it is one of our businesses. Plastic manufacturers in India are
the strongest growing sectors in India. examining ways to increase exports overcoming the
PLASTIWORLD 2021 helped in boosting the growth of the strong headwinds they have been facing. Though India
packaging industry by providing global exposure to the has big manufacturers, they account for less than 1%
Indian manufacturers and greatly promote exports from market share in the more than $800 billion global
Indian markets by reaching a wider audience digitally. exports market for plastics.
It gave an opportunity where the business owners could Looking at the potential of the global export market,
expand their business leads and expand their clientele in AIPMA organized its 1st session on “Enhancing Plastic
different parts of India and abroad. Exports from India”.
The format of the exhibition was shaped to allow & The session involved expert speakers like Mr. Abdulla
provide the companies with opportunities to launch new Bin Damithan, Chief
products in India, explore new markets and promote their
products, help industries in the plastics sector to interact Commercial Officer - DP World UAE Region, Dr. Raju
with key decision makers to build customer relationships Desai - Director Jyoti Plastics, Past
towards potential market penetration etc. President- AIPMA & NAB Chairman PVI 2023, Ms.
Ebtesam Ahmad Alkaabi, Head of Sales Jafza & Mr
More than 110 exhibitors and more than 12,000 buyers
& visitors participated at the Plastiworld 2021 Global Hemant Minocha, Director - Rajiv Plastics Private
Expo held on 19th- 24th January 2021, organized to help Limited.
the packaging industry connect globally & strengthen The speakers helped and provided guidance to the
partnership for better business opportunities. The participants on how to bridge the gap between
exhibition received participations from segments such India and the world & helped the plastic industry in
as FMCG, Food & Beverages, Pharmaceuticals, Gifting, enhancing their manufacturing and exports.
Agriculture, Industrial, Infrastructure and E-Commerce. DP World also shared their initiative details with the
The key segments & areas discussed and elaborated during industry which was aimed to help nurture bilateral
the events were Consumer Packaging, Containers, Caps trade, drive cross-border investments, facilitate
& Closures, Industrial Packaging and Films.
access to larger markets & wider consumer base, and
It also provided its participants a chance of better reduce barriers to trade and many more.
interaction opportunities with the target audience, The session received participation from more than
connecting with the potential buyers, improving the 500 attendees.
conversion rate, zero cost set up and running costs,
Plastics News Februar y 2021 10