Page 12 - Plastics News February 2021
P. 12

AipmA At work

         •   “R&D and Innovations in Packaging Industry, Global     better, cleaner renewable source of energy i.e. Solar
             Demand & Trends”- 20th January 2021                    Energy, we organized another successful webinar
                                                                    on the concept of solar power and introduced the
             Keeping in mind the ongoing situation and the
             schedule of the industry, the industry people must not   industry to the Grid Roof  Top panels, which the
             get enough time to study about the R&D, Innovations,   industry had heard of but did not have clarity about.
             Global demand, Trends etc. therefore webinars like      Our panel of experts, Mr. Harin  Trivedi, Sales,
             these help the people gather insights about the        Krishjay Energy Pvt. Ltd, Mr. Yogesh Talati, Finance
             ongoing trends, new advancements and technology.       & Procurement, Krishjay Energy Pvt. Ltd, Mr. Sameer
                                                                    Churi,  Technical, Krishjay Energy Pvt. Ltd & Mr.
             AIPMA is of the point of view that plastic packaging
             industry makes up one of the most significant sector   Dhavanit Pathak, Krishjay Energy Pvt. Ltd, shared
             of the plastic industry. The packaging industry in India   details and knowledge about the applications,
             is predicted to grow at 18% annually, with flexible    advantages,  financial  aspect,  savings,  technology,
             packaging growing at 25% and rigid packaging at 15%.   how to install them in our houses and institutions
                                                                    etc. with the attendees.
             Companies are constantly seeking new opportunities
             to expand their marginal revenues and spread their   •   PWM – Crafting a Sustainable Future for Plastics
             businesses over larger markets. Most companies         through the Circular Economy approach, on 21st
             realize very quickly, however, that to be competitive   January, 2021
             in these markets, they must be willing to become       AIPMA is actively pursuing its agenda to work closely
             familiar, updated and welcoming towards the            with the industry, government, academia and the
             changing scenarios and innovations.                    society to promote usage of plastics and protect the
                                                                    environment. There has been a sincere effort of the
             The Indian Plastic packaging industry has seen a shift
             from low output/low  technology machines  to high      government towards effective Circular Economy in
             output, high technology machines. There has been       the country.
             some  major  technological  advancement  of  global      Keeping this background in mind, AIPMA organized a
             standards & that’s exactly what the speakers shared    three-session webinar on PWM
             details about with the attendees.
                                                                    – Crafting a Sustainable Future for Plastics through
             The event was graced by some very imminent             the Circular Economy approach.
             speakers, Mr. Kartik Deora, M.D- Regent Plast & Dr.      The webinar included sessions like Mechanical &
             Tanweer Alam-Director-IIP.
                                                                    Chemical  Recycling/  Compostable-Biodegradable
             The speakers shed light on concepts like innovations   Polymers - Key Elements of a Circular Economy? PWM
             using recycled plastics to up the green quotient of    Regulations /EPR Status Update & How do we create
             your brand, which directly promotes sustainability     a vibrant market for plastic recyclate?
             and helps to generate a consumer friendly image of      The sessions helped the participants understand
             your brand, knowledge about the innovations in the     the importance of adapting Circular Economy &
             packaging industry, global demand and trends which     sustainability in their businesses. The speakers shed
             is of utmost importance to keep the businesses going   light on some very important concepts like chemical
             and growing etc.
                                                                    recycling, PET recycling and Sustainability: Challenges
         •   “Demystifying on Grid Roof Top Solar”- 21st January    and Opportunities; Certified compostable biopolymers
             2021                                                   enabling Circular Economy, Regulatory framework
                                                                    for  PWM/  CE,  Extended  Producers  Responsibility
             Solar power is the key to a clean energy future.
             Every day, the sun gives off far more energy than we   (EPR), Digitalizing  EPR Through  Plastic  Credits  For
             need to power everything on earth. That’s why we’re    Sustainable Development, Using certification to
             promoting solar power by investing heavily in solar    protect oceans and enhance plastic value, Closing
             plants and solar panels.                               the loop with Mechanical Recycling’ and many more.
                                                                    This helped the speakers gain understanding about
             With the idea to make the industry familiar with a     the basis of these concepts and process to implement

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