Page 12 - Plastics News February 2023
P. 12
Budget 2023 - Analysis of the Tax Proposals
On 7th February, 2023 at 3:00-4:30 PM
lectual property. Over the last three
decades, they have worked with a
variety of clients – start-ups, small &
medium enterprises, large Indian cor-
porates and multinational companies.
L&S professionals have experience of
working in both traditional sectors
such as commodities, automobile,
pharmaceuticals, petrochemicals and
modern sectors such as e-commerce,
big data, renewables. They combine
the knowledge of the law with indus-
try experience to design legal solu-
tions that their clients can implement.
Key Takeaways:
Changes Proposed in the Income
Tax provisions, including those
effective from 1st April 2023.
Changes Proposed in the Cus-
toms Act and the Customs Tariff
IN PARTNERSHIP WITH: 3. Mr. Harshit khurana, Principal As- Act, including the changes in the
Lakshmikumaran and Sridharan At- sociate, Lakshmikumaran & Srid- rates of customs duties as effec-
torneys haran. tive from 2nd February, 2023.
AIPMA organized a webinar with Lak- The event focused on addressing the Changes in the GST provisions
shmikumaran and Sridharan Attorneys hits & misses of the Budget and the covering amendments in the
on “Budget2023 - Analysis of the finer nuances of the provisions of the CGST Act and the IGST Act.
Tax Proposals”. The event focused finance bill 2023, including various no- After the presentation by the ex-
on understanding the key Provisions tifications for the mining and minerals perts, the floor was left open for Q
of the Finance Bill for 2023-2024. sector. The session also facilitated the & A round to answer any doubts of
delegates to know the effects of the Participants. Mr. Deepak Ballani,
The program started with Shri. new bill in the different aspects like;
Deepak Ballani – Director Gen- Income Tax, Customs Laws & Proce- Director General, AIPMA mod-
eral, AIPMA, introducing Shri. dures to analyse the tax implications erated the event and handled the
Mayur D Shah - President AIPMA of the Union Budget. All the Expert question & answer session with great
and Shri. Arvind Mehta – Chair- speakers very well explained the most aplomb and the webinar ended with
man Governing Council AIPMA important updates for the concerned Vote of thanks proposed by him.
who set the note for the program. aspects which was very helpful for the The Webinar was attended by over
OUR EXPERTS FOR THE EVEN- attendees. 100 people from the Plastic Indus-
ING WERE: Lakshmikumaran & Sridharan is a tries.
1. Mr. Ratan Jain, Partner, Lakshmi- full-service law firm based in India.
kumaran & Sridharan The firm has 14 offices and has over
400 professionals specializing in areas
2. Mr. Nirav karia, Partner, Lakshmi- such as corporate & commercial laws,
kumaran & Sridharan dispute resolution, taxation and intel-
14 PLASTICS NEWS February 2023