Page 47 - Plastics News February 2023
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economy and reducing  carbon foot-  ing  flexibility.  Following  market  and  sity, corrosion and chemical resist-
          print relative to fossil feedstock resin  customer  demand for more sustain-  ance,  and  mechanical  performance,
          alternatives.                      able solutions, the new recycled and  can be customized depending on ap-
          “Gravi-Tech  Density  Modified  For-  bio-based formulations offer the same  plication needs.
          mulations were originally developed   performance benefits while support-  Gravi-Tech REC Recycled  Formula-
          to provide an effective alternative to   ing the circular economy and helping   tions and  Gravi-Tech BIO Bio-based
          lead and other  traditional  metals,”   customers to work towards their sus-  Formulations  are  currently  manufac-
          said Matt Mitchell, director of global   tainability goals.”           tured in Europe and are commercially
          marketing, Specialty Engineered Ma-  Similar  to  prime  density  modified  available globally.
          terials at Avient. “Formulated us-  grades,  these  new  materials  can  be
          ing engineered  thermoplastic  resins  extruded, molded, calendered, or
          and  select  metallic  fillers,  they  offer  thermoformed  into  complex  designs
          densities similar to traditional metals  without  expensive  tooling.  Perfor-
          while  providing  design  and process-  mance characteristics, including den-

          TPU Hoses Enhanced with Graphene Nanotubes
                                                                                 results  in  detrimental  effects  on the
                                                                                 mechanical  properties  of  the  final
                                                                                 product, including reduced flexibility.
                                                                                 “Replacement  of a standard com-
                                                                                 pound with TPU modified with gra-
                                                                                 phene nanotubes results in stable, ho-
                                                                                 mogeneous  conductivity  of  the  final
                                                                                 hoses, without compromising their
                                                                                 strength or flexibility. By adding only
                                                                                 0.4-0.5 wt% of graphene nanotubes,
                                                                                 our client was able to obtain thermo-
                                                                                 plastic polyurethane with resistance
                                                                                 of the order of 106 ohm/sq, allowing
                                                                                 the hoses to meet the typical require-
                                                                                 ments of industrial norms related to
             hermoplastic polyurethane hoses  erating conditions, when dry bulk ma-  electrostatic  risks. Additionally, gra-
          Tenhanced with graphene nano-      terials  are  conveyed  by  compressed   phene nanotubes’ low working dos-
          tubes demonstrate a combination of  air through a nonconductive  hose,   ages make it possible to maintain the
          electrical conductivity, high flexibility,  there is a risk of the accumulation of   abrasion and chemical resistance,
          and good abrasion resistance.      electrical charge due to friction. This   flexibility,  and  non-marking  proper-
                                             can lead to sparks, resulting in damage
          Cost-efficient,  durable  hoses  are  al-                              ties of TPU,” said Dr. Christian Maus,
          ready used in the flour-milling, phar-  to electronic components, or even   development and support leader for
          maceutical, and wood processing in-  fire  or  explosion.  To  prevent  static   thermoplastics, OCSiAl Group.
          dustries.                          electricity buildup and arc discharge,
                                             conductive  material enhanced with   The  nanotube-modified  hoses  per-
          Stable, permanent anti-static proper-  metal wire is used as the key compo-  fectly meet  the demands of heavy-
          ties combined with high performance  nent for the manufacture of this type   duty  operating  applications, which
          allow hoses  to meet  strict  industrial  of conveying hose. Use of traditional   frequently  require  a combination of
          requirements.                      conductive  agents like  carbon black   ESD protection and high abrasion re-
          In various industries with special op-  requires  high  concentrations, which   sistance and durability.

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