Page 48 - Plastics News February 2023
P. 48

New PC Co-Polymer Grades Withstand Harsh Chemicals in Medical

                                             tion protocols established during the  chemical and impact resistance can
                                             COVID pandemic  are  ongoing,  and  help to reduce premature part dam-
                                             Sabic continues to innovate in the area  age  and failures.  Greater  durability
                                             of chemical resistance,” said Joshua  results  in  a  more  positive  life  cycle,
                                             Chiaw, Director, Business  Manage-  as fewer devices need to be replaced
                                             ment,  LNP  &  NORYL,  Specialties,  and, consequently, fewer are sent to
                                             Sabic. “Our specialties business is de-  landfills, said Sabic.
                                             veloping new solutions that not only   Through expanded thin-wall design
                                             help device manufacturers avoid deg-  freedom, the LNP CRX co-polymers
            abic will debut two new LNP CRX   radation from aggressive disinfectants,   enable sustainability to be incorporat-
          Spolycarbonate (PC)  co-polymer    but also address other requirements.   ed in devices up front. They can help
          resins at the co-located Plastec West   Our newest materials extend the LNP   designers reduce overall part dimen-
          and Medical Design & Manufacturing   CRX portfolio by combining signature   sions, consolidate parts and materials,
          (MD&M) West event in Anaheim, CA,   chemical resistance with other desira-  and  enhance  manufacturing  efficien-
          on Feb. 7 to 9. Offering a combination   ble properties, including sustainability.   cies  with thin-wall  molding, which
          of chemical  and impact  resistance,   These  thin-wall, transparent copoly-  is  becoming  increasingly  important
          thin-wall transparency, dimensional   mers, which complement our opaque   in  the  design  of smaller  and lighter-
          stability, and  processability, the new   LNP CRX grades, can help customers   weight  applications such as portable
          materials reportedly can overcome   take a holistic approach when creat-  and hand-held medical equipment.
          drawbacks of incumbent PC and co-  ing diagnostic devices and wearables
          polyester  resins  when  exposed to   that deliver longer service life, lower  To streamline the manufacturing pro-
          disinfectants  or aggressive  chemicals   system  costs, and reduce  environ-  cess, LNP ELCRES CRX1314TW and
          in  applications  such  as clear  covers,   mental impact.”            LNP  ELCRIN  CRX1314BTW  grades
          screens, and display lenses.       Like all LNP CRX materials, the new   can offer several advantages, including
                                                                                 laser welding capability. To meet the
          The  two grades  are LNP  ELCRES   grades  withstand exposure to harsh   healthcare  industry’s growing need
          CRX1314TW  co-polymer  and  its    disinfecting  chemicals,  such  as qua-  for high-precision, vibration-free  as-
          bio-based equivalent,  LNP ELCRIN   ternary ammonium compounds, al-    sembly technology, these new co-pol-
          CRX1314BTW  co-polymer,  which     cohols, and peroxides, which can    ymer resins provide near-infrared (IR)
          offers up to a 42% reduction in the   lead to environmental  stress crack-  transmission optical properties that
          carbon footprint based on life  cycle   ing in medical device displays and   are required for laser welding. They
          assessment (LCA). Both grades fea-  covers. The materials offer transpar-  enable leakproof, low-stress welds
          ture limited biocompatibility accord-  ency equivalent to that of PC resins   without the need for adhesives.
          ing to ISO 10993 and are covered un-  at thin-wall geometries of 0.8 to 1.0
          der Sabic’s healthcare product policy   mm,  and are  translucent  at  higher  The new LNP CRX products can also
          that provides management of change   thicknesses. They also deliver impact  help protect non-medical products
          processes.                         resistance across a wide temperature  from the effects of chemicals used in
                                             range (down to -40°C),  dimensional  sunscreens, hand creams, and insect
          The  company  first  introduced  the   stability, and good processability, said  repellents,  which  can  potentially  de-
          LNP ELCRES CRX co-polymer resins   Sabic. Both grades meet the UL94 HB  grade consumer electronics and in-
          at MD&M West 2020. The continued   standard for horizontal burning.    dustrial applications.
          market need for chemically resistant
          materials has driven the development   The new materials contribute to sus-  Nithin  Raikar, Sabic’s Senior Busi-
          of these innovative thin-wall transpar-  tainability goals by helping customers  ness Manager for  LNP Resins and
          ent materials, said Sabic.         design and manufacture devices with  Compounds, will discuss the new
                                             an optimized service life. Improved  LNP CRX materials at Plastec West/
          “The  rigorous healthcare  disinfec-                                   MD&M West.

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